To set up your own API keys and get rid of this error:
- Open up api_keys.xml which exists in the /res/values folder.
- Insert your Branch App Key
- Clean/Rebuild your project.
Your Branch App Key Goes Here
If you don't have one, see the Branch Android Quick-Start for how to get one:
<!-- Old Branch Monster Factory App keys.-->
<!--<string name="branch_key">key_live_gchnKkd3l3m9YBPP2d73jmfejkcgVjgM</string>-->
<!--<string name="branch_key_test">key_test_lkhEVOq9sPU9FXgbSAoQthfhqsd5EVaV</string>-->
<!-- Branchster app keys-->
<string name="branch_key">YOUR BRANCH LIVE KEY</string>
<string name="branch_key_test">YOUR BRANCH TEST KEY</string>
Your Twitter Key and Secret Goes Here
If you don't have these, see the Twitter Kit for Android documentation:
<string name="twitter_key">YOUR TWITTER APP KEY</string>
<string name="twitter_secret">YOUR TWITTER APP SECRET</string>
- Open up strings.xml which exists in the /res/values folder.
- Insert your Facebook App ID
- Clean/Rebuild your project.
<string name="facebook_app_id">YOUR FB APP ID</string>