Configures mailserver using postfix, dovecot and opendkim. A letsencrypt certificate will be requested using standalone method. Make sure port 80 isn't used on your new mailserver while running the playbook.
variable | type | comment |
debug | bool | Set to true for some extra info. |
mxdomain | string | Your mx record domain. |
domain | string | Your mailfrom domain. By default the subdomain is cut. |
certbot_email | string | Your email for registration with letsencrypt. |
certbot_flags | string | Should be fine as it is. |
dkim_selector | string | Set it to what you like. It's the selector for dkim, could also be something like YYYYMMDD, e.g. 20240818. The path to your public key will be /etc/opendkim/keys/mailfromdomain/20240818.txt |
fullchain_path | string | Should be fine as it is. It's where letsencrypt saves your certificate |
privkey_path | string | Same as above. |
See tests/test.yml
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