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Project for SenNet + HOA - Hacking the Human Vasculature in 3D Kaggle competition + ML Zoomcamp final project

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Project information

This project intends to find a solution to the ongoing (at the time of writing January 2024) kaggle competition SenNet + HOA - Hacking the Human Vasculature in 3D

The project runs are logged to Weights&Biases:


Project description

Here's a short summary of the competition description:

The goal of the competition is to segment blood vessels by creating a model trained on 3D Hierarchical Phase-Contrast Tomography (HiP-CT) data from human kidneys to help complete a picture of vasculature throughout a body.

This work will better researchers' understanding of the size, shape, branching angles, and patterning of blood vessels in human tissue.

Please see the detailed description on the competitions' page

In this particular project we will set a bit more humble goal. We will only use 2D data to train a segmentation model and we will train it only on a part of the whole data. To solve this problem we will apply YOLOv8 segmentation model from Ultralytics training it on the selected subset of the whole competition data.

YOLOv8 is the latest version of YOLO by Ultralytics. As a cutting-edge, state-of-the-art (SOTA) model, YOLOv8 builds on the success of previous versions, introducing new features and improvements for enhanced performance, flexibility, and efficiency. YOLOv8 supports a full range of vision AI tasks, including detection, segmentation, pose estimation, tracking, and classification.

The dataset

The complete dataset is available on Kaggle This repo contains a small part of the full dataset images along with the masks that were modified compared to the original dataset by converting the original binary masks to YOLOv8-accepted text format.

Yashvardhan Jain, Katy Borner, Claire Walsh, Nancy Ruschman, Peter D. Lee, Griffin M. Weber, Ryan Holbrook, Addison Howard. (2023). SenNet + HOA - Hacking the Human Vasculature in 3D. Kaggle.

Reproduce the work

Create environment

I prefer to use conda because it comes with a Python interpreter of the specified version whereas with the other options like pipenv, poetry etc you need a base interpreter of a required version. If you don't want to use conda, you can as well skip the conda environment setup and use the provided Pipfile.* to reproduce the environment or create a virtual environment of your choice (eg python's built-in venv), and install the dependencies using the provided requirements.txt. In the latter case you need to remember that the base interpreter's python version must be 3.10 and that 100% reproducibility is likely to be achieved but is not guaranteed.

Below are instructions for conda:

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Create a clean Python 3.10 based environment and activate it

    conda create -n blood-vessel-segmentation python=3.10
    conda activate blood-vessel-segmentation
  3. Install requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt 

Run the notebooks

Spin up a jupyter server and use your browser to open a notebook from the notebooks folder by executing:

Note on Windows OS:
There is some bash script used in the notebooks. I'm not 100% sure it will execute properly on Windows within the notebook. If it doesn't just follow the existing notebooks output.

jupyter notebook

Notebooks description:

Full dataset EDA notebook.

Note: Can be run locally (proper execution on Windows in not guaranteed)

The purpose is to explore the whole dataset and the task, and decide how to reduce it for the project

Note: Can be run locally (proper execution on Windows in not guaranteed)

Create smaller dataset from the full one.
The dataset obtained as a result of the notebook execution is already present in the notebook so the code is provided for reference, it doesn't need to be executed unless you want to change the dataset.

Note: The notebook is meant to be executed on Google Colab

Initial Experiments with different images sizes and batch sizes
Logged to WandB:

Note: The notebook is meant to be executed on Google Colab

The results of the experimetnts can be fount in the hyperparameter_tuning_results folder

Funny enough the best hyperparameters were achieved on the first iteration: Tune Fitness Plot

The best hyperparameters can be found in the best_hyperparameters.yaml

They're used in the following notebook to train the final model.

In the end it appeared that in fact it was a mistake to train image size 1024 with batch 4 for longer even with the best hyperparametes. It's clear from WandB graphs that image size 1600 with batch size 9 shows much better performance with shorter training time. So the final model is trained with these parameters. The training of the final model is exported to a separate script.

As the name suggests, the notebooks in the kaggle_notebooks folder can be found and run on Kaggle. They are used in the competition, but none of them are directly utilized in this project.

Model training script

Please note that the script is designed to be trained on GPU with at least 15G of GPU RAM (I ran the training on the Google Colab T4).
If you try to run it on your computer and you're not on Mac and with no GPU it will most likely fail with OOM.

I tried to run it on my Mac M2 and it worked but still estimated to run 4 minutes per epoch that is way too much compared to ~25 seconds per epoch on Google Colab with T4

To run the training execute (make sure to have blood-vessel-segmentation environment is activated)


Model deployment

Model is deployed with FastAPI + Uvicorn

Running locally

To run the service locally execute


That will spin up uvicorn server on port 8000 (make sure it's not occupied)

The API can be tested directly in the browser using the built-in Swagger UI, accessible at

Swagger UI

There are 2 endpoints in the service

  1. /predict_rle_mask:
    returns the Run-Length Encoded predicted mask.
    This format is required for competition submission.
    It's a lossless format and can be easily decoded back to a matrix on the other end.

    Alternatively it can be tested from the command line using curl

    curl -X 'POST' \
    'http://localhost:8000/predict_rle_mask' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "url": ""
  2. /predict_img:
    returns a JPG image with the predicted masks and boxes.
    Added for the sake of quick assessment

    Alternatively it can be tested from the command line using curl

    curl -X 'POST' \
    'http://localhost:8000/predict_img' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "url": ""
    }' --output result.jpg

    Running this command will download the prediction as result.jpg file. result.jpg


To build and spin the service docker container up run.
(Before doing that make sure port 80 is not occupied):

docker compose up --build

Then in this instance to test the service you can do it through the UI available on

!!!Note the port difference compared to the local version!!!


or by running the following curl (for the RLE endpoind):

curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/predict_rle_mask' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"url": ""

To clean up after stopping the container run

docker compose down

Deploy on the local K8s cluster

  1. Install kind and kubectl following the instructions

  2. Create K8s cluster with kind and check that it's running

    kind create cluster
    kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind
  3. After running the service with docker-compose above you should have the image hacking_human_vasculature-predict:latest. We need to give it a tag so that it works properly with kind. Then we need to load the image into kind

    docker tag hacking_human_vasculature-predict:latest blood-vessel-seg:v1
    kind load docker-image blood-vessel-seg:v1
  4. Apply the deployment.yaml

    kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml 
  5. Perform port-forwarding to test the deployment

    # get the pod name
    kubectl get po
    # use the pod copied from the output of the previous line
    kubectl port-forward segment-8587787685-9xgdc 8080:80
    # Curl from the other terminal
    curl -X 'POST' \
        'http://localhost:8080/predict_rle_mask' \
        -H 'accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{
        "url": ""
    # terminate port forwarding
  6. Create K8s service for load balancing applying service.yaml

    kubectl apply -f k8s/service.yaml
  7. And test it using the port forwarding again

    kubectl port-forward svc/segment 8080:80  
    # Curl from the other terminal
    curl -X 'POST' \
        'http://localhost:8080/predict_rle_mask' \
        -H 'accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{
        "url": ""
    # terminate port forwarding

Deploy to AWS EKS

  1. Install eksctl following the instructions

  2. Create EKS cluster by applying eks-config.yaml

    eksctl create cluster -f k8s/eks-config.yaml
  3. Create ECR if not exists, tag and push the image blood-vessel-seg:v1 created on the previous step:

    ./k8s/ blood-vessel-seg:v1 
  4. Check the newly created EKS cluster nodes

    kubectl get nodes
  5. Apply K8s deployment and service

    kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment-eks.yaml
    kubectl apply -f k8s/service.yaml
  6. Test getting the predictions through the load balancer on AWS

    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "url": ""

    prediction with the service deployed on AWS EKS

Visualize the pods on the AWS Console (Optional)

  1. To be able to see the cluster on the AWS Console aws-auth configMaps needs to be edited:

    kubectl edit configmap aws-auth -n kube-system

    And add the following:

    mapUsers: "- groups: \n  - system:masters\n  userarn: arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:root\n"

EKS deployments on AWS Console

Delete the cluster and clean-up

  1. Delete cluster

    kubectl delete pdb coredns -n kube-system
    eksctl delete cluster --name mlzoomcamp-cluster
  2. delete ECR repo

  3. delete CloudFormation stack created by eksctl

    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name eksctl-mlzoomcamp-cluster-nodegroup-ng-m5-large


Project for SenNet + HOA - Hacking the Human Vasculature in 3D Kaggle competition + ML Zoomcamp final project






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