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Fastic test app

Getting Started

This project is a Flutter test application. Application build an simple questionnaire app and log each question on firebase analytics. Questions would be load from firebase remote config.


To run the app install packages first with following command

flutter pub get

Run project on iOS

flutter run ios

Run project on Andorid

flutter run ios

Futher information please look at Flutter Doc


  • Alexander Buder - Developer - aBuder

Screenshots App

Sample Question Sample Question

Screenshots Firebase

Screenshot events Screenshot remote config


        "id": "goals",
        "text": "Welche persönlichen Ziele möchtest du verfolgen?",
        "multiple": true,
        "image": "question_1_header",
        "answers": [
                "id": "loose_weight",
                "text": "Ich möchte abnehmen"
                "id": "more_energy",
                "text": "Mehr Energie im Alltag haben"
                "id": "be_sportier",
                "text": "Ich möchte sportlicher werden"
                "id": "optimize_health",
                "text": "Meine Gesundheit optimieren"
        "id": "support_goals",
        "text": "Womit soll dich dein persönlicher Ernährungscoach beim erreichen deiner Ziele unterstützen?",
        "multiple": true,
        "image": "question_2_header",
        "answers": [
                "id": "motivation",
                "text": "Motivation"
                "id": "guidance",
                "text": "Orientierungshilfe"
                "id": "right_foods",
                "text": "Die richtigen Nahrungsmittel"
                "id": "nutrition_tips",
                "text": "Ernährungstipps"
        "id": "biggest_challenges",
        "text": "Was waren bis jetzt deine größten Herausforderungen?",
        "multiple": true,
        "image": "question_3_header",
        "answers": [
                "id": "find_right_diet",
                "text": "Die richtige Ernährung für mich zu finden"
                "id": "fast_food",
                "text": "Ich esse viel Fast Food und Junk Food"
                "id": "weekends",
                "text": "Die Kontrolle am Wochenende fällt mir schwer"
                "id": "eat_to_much",
                "text": "Ich esse generell viel"
        "id": "eating_habits",
        "text": "Wie sehen deine Essgewohnheiten aus?",
        "multiple": true,
        "image": "question_4_header",
        "answers": [
                "id": "snacks",
                "text": "Ich esse viele Snacks zwischen meinen Mahlzeiten"
                "id": "eat_more_on_stressful_days",
                "text": "An stressigen Tagen esse ich meistens mehr"
                "id": "eat_when_bored",
                "text": "Ich esse oft wenn mir langweilig ist"
                "id": "healthy",
                "text": "Ich ernähre mich gesund"
        "id": "everyday_look_like",
        "text": "Was trifft am besten auf deinen Alltag zu?",
        "multiple": false,
        "image": "question_5_header",
        "answers": [
                "id": "shift_work",
                "text": "Ich arbeite in Schichten"
                "id": "home",
                "text": "Ich bin oft zuhause"
                "id": "normal_working_hours",
                "text": "Ich arbeite zu normalen zeiten"
                "id": "travel",
                "text": "Ich bin viel auf Reisen"
        "id": "focus_receipts",
        "text": "Auf was sollen wir bei deinen Rezepten den Fokus legen?",
        "multiple": true,
        "image": "question_6_header",
        "answers": [
                "id": "vegan",
                "text": "Vegan"
                "id": "vegetarian",
                "text": "Vegetarisch"
                "id": "low_carb",
                "text": "Low Carb"
                "id": "balanced",
                "text": "Ausgewogen"