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Docker setup for Magento in use with 2xRedis, MySQL, Nginx, PHP 5.5 (later 5.6 and HHVM containers)

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DocHarris - Dockerfiles for Magento

With nginx, php-fpm 5.5.x, 2 x Redis, MySQL (only for dev) and Varnish.

Optimized for usage. See project HarrisStreet.

Condition: Already installed and working Magento System.

If you are already working/developing on a linux machine boot2docker is not needed.

Install boot2docker and Docker itself.

On OSX please use brew install docker | boot2docker

Download the Zookal custom boot2docker.iso which fixes vboxsf autoload and place the ISO in the correct folder of your OS.

Shared Folders are slow in VirtualBox. A todo point is implementing File system notifications for Go into the boot2docker CLI to constantly sync the files into the VM. There is already some work going on.

For OSX put the ISO in: ~/.boot2docker/ folder.

For Win put the ISO in: ??? folder.

The folders site and data are hardcoded in the boot2docker.iso and always maps to: /var/www/site resp. /var/www/data.

Documents will be served from /var/www/site/htdocs. media, sitemap and var folders are automatically symlinked into the htdocs folder. These three folders stay in the data folder for persistence.

Mac OSX:

boot2docker --vbox-share=/Users/xxx/Sites/web-site=site --vbox-share=/Users/xxx/Sites/web-data=data -v init


boot2docker --vbox-share="C:\\Users\xxx\\...=site" --vbox-share="C:\\Users\xxx\\...=data" -v init

Start VM:

$ boot2docker up

Make sure to export properly export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://192.168.x.x:2375 in all terminal windows where you would like to use docker.

To regenerate this string use $ boot2docker socket.

Update the hosts file of your OS with the new boot2docker ip address.

DocHarris Redis

Build an image from Dockerfile:

docker build -t="docharris/redisobject" redis/object/
docker build -t="docharris/redissession" redis/session/

Or docker pull docharris/redisobject|redissession. @todo

Run redis-server without persistent data (development)

docker run -d --name redisobject docharris/redisobject
docker run -d --name redissession docharris/redissession

This is faster when using Virtualbox with shared folders.

Run redis-server with persistent data directory. (creates filename.rdb)

The container RedisStorage will be used for directory mapping.

docker run -d -v /var/www/data/redis:/data --name RedisStorage dockerfile/ubuntu echo "Redis Storage"
docker run -d --volumes-from RedisStorage --name redisobject docharris/redisobject
docker run -d --volumes-from RedisStorage --name redissession docharris/redissession

Run redis-server with persistent data directory and password.

docker run -d -v /var/www/data/redis:/data --name RedisStorage dockerfile/ubuntu echo "Redis Storage"
docker run -d --volumes-from RedisStorage --name redis dockerfile/redis redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf --requirepass <password>

Run redis-cli

docker run -it --rm --link redisobject:redisobject docharris/redisobject bash -c 'redis-cli -p 6379 -h redisobject'
docker run -it --rm --link redissession:redissession docharris/redissession bash -c 'redis-cli -p 6380 -h redissession'

@todo Add Redis FPC cache.

DocHarris MySQL

In dev you can run it without persistence. For more details see the file in the mysql folder.

Commands for development:

docker build -t "docharris/mysql" mysql/5.5/
docker run --name DocHarrisMySQL -d -p 3306:3306 docharris/mysql
docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>

Last commands shows you the password. Please save that! The you can import databases and users.

DocHarris Mailcatcher (development environment)

Build contailer

docker build -t docharris/mailcatcher mailcatcher/

Run container

docker run -d --name mailcatcher docharris/mailcatcher

DocHarris npStorage

Build container to keep persisted data and load Magento PHP files:

docker build -t "docharris/npstorage" npStorage/

Run container:

docker run -d --name npstorage \
  -v /var/www/site:/var/www/site \
  -v /var/www/data/php:/var/www/data/php \
  -v /var/www/data/nginx:/var/www/data/nginx \
  -v /var/www/data/media:/var/www/data/media \
  -v /var/www/data/sitemap:/var/www/data/sitemap \
  -v /var/www/data/var:/var/www/data/var \

This container will immediately exit and only provides the storage for nginx and php container.

The folders media, sitemap and var will be symlinked to /var/www/site/htdocs.

DocHarris PHP5.5

Build the php container:

$ docker build -t "docharris/php55" php55/

Run in background for dev:

docker run -d --name php \
  --volumes-from=npstorage \
  -v /var/www/site/path-to/etc/php55/development:/etc/php5/fpm \
  -e MY_ENV=dev \
  --link redisobject:redisobject \
  --link redissession:redissession \
  --link DocHarrisMySQL:DocHarrisMySQL \
  --link mailcatcher:mailcatcher \

The -v switch is optional and maps your custom php config into the fpm folder.

Run with bash for dev:

docker run -ti --rm --name php \
  --volumes-from=npstorage \
  -v /var/www/site/path-to/etc/php55/development:/etc/php5/fpm \
  -e MY_ENV=dev \
  --link redisobject:redisobject \
  --link redissession:redissession \
  --link DocHarrisMySQL:DocHarrisMySQL \
  --link mailcatcher:mailcatcher \
  docharris/php55 bash

The -v switch is optional and maps your custom php config into the fpm folder.

The bash at the end starts the shell. When logged in run /config/ & to start the fpm process.

There are two env settings at the momement: dev and prod. During container start these settings will be copied into the etc folders. So you can test prod settings on your dev machine.

With the open shell you can now use n98-magerun, etc in the /var/www/site folder.

On the other hand you can have a local php installation on your Windows or OSX system and then run from there n98-magerun.

There is no ssh daemon implemented in all docker containers because that is evil and a anti pattern.

If you need to enter a container use nsenter

Run in background on staging | prod:

docker run -d --name php \
  --volumes-from=npstorage \
  -v /path-to/etc/php55/production:/etc/php5/fpm \
  -e MY_ENV=prod \
  --link redisobject:redisobject \
  --link redissession:redissession \

Use the switch

  --link DocHarrisMySQL:DocHarrisMySQL \

only when you don't have an external database on another server.

DocHarris nginx

Build command:

docker build -t docharris/nginx nginx/

Run the container background with custom nginx config:

docker run -d --name nginx \
  --volumes-from=npstorage \
  -v <path-to-your-sites-enabled-folder>:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled
  -v <path-to-your-certs-folder>:/etc/nginx/certs
  --link php:php \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 443:443 \

DocHarris Pulling existing builds


Use this docker pull for the development environment:

docker pull docharris/redisobject:v1.0.2817
docker pull docharris/redissession:v1.0.2817
docker pull docharris/mysql55:v1.0.5538
docker pull docharris/mailcatcher:v1.0.0512
docker pull docharris/npstorage:v1.0.0
docker pull docharris/php55:v1.0.5517
docker pull docharris/nginx:v1.0.162

Use this docker pull for the production environment:

docker pull docharris/npstorage:v1.0.0
docker pull docharris/redisobject:v1.0.2817
docker pull docharris/redissession:v1.0.2817
docker pull docharris/php55:v1.0.5517
docker pull docharris/nginx:v1.0.162

Version number: Major.Minor.Service

  • PHP 5517 = 5.5.17
  • MySQL 5538 = 5.5.38
  • Redis 2817 = 2.8.17

Whenever a Services changes this will be reflected in the last number. Whenever something in the Dockerfile changes this will reflect the Major and Minor numbers.

The version in the Makefile will be updated and not here.

DocHarris in action

Should look like this:

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                             COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS                   PORTS                                      NAMES
3878874b2e53        docharris/nginx:v1.0.162          "nginx"                15 hours ago        Up 17 minutes  >80/tcp,>443/tcp   nginx
4d547ce9ad09        docharris/php55:latest            "/sbin/my_init"        15 hours ago        Up 20 minutes            9000/tcp                                   nginx/php,php
66992efff9d0        docharris/mailcatcher:v1.0.0512   "/bin/sh -c 'mailcat   15 hours ago        Up 27 minutes            25/tcp,>1080/tcp             mailcatcher,nginx/php/mailcatcher,php/mailcatcher
e1162135c0ff        docharris/mysql55:v1.0.5538       "/"              15 hours ago        Up 32 minutes  >3306/tcp                     DocHarrisMySQL,nginx/php/DocHarrisMySQL,php/DocHarrisMySQL
82d155658e8c        docharris/npstorage:latest        "/sbin/my_init"        16 hours ago        Up About an hour                                                    npstorage
1ad4516fa165        docharris/redissession:latest     "/sbin/my_init"        18 hours ago        Up 3 hours               6380/tcp                                   nginx/php/redissession,php/redissession,redissession
9dde9cd1306e        docharris/redisobject:latest      "/sbin/my_init"        18 hours ago        Up 3 hours               6379/tcp                                   nginx/php/redisobject,php/redisobject,redisobject
c85a95f3bad7        phusion/baseimage:0.9.15          "echo 'Redis Storage   18 hours ago        Exited (0) 3 hours ago                                              RedisStorage

Docker Helpers

With Docker <= 1.2 you must restart all linked containers. If you restart container php then you must restart nginx also. If you restart MySQL or Redis container then you must restart php and nginx.

Docker 1.3 solves that problem by automatically updating the /etc/hosts files in all containers with the new IP addresses of the restarted containers.

Remove all images:

docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)

Stop all containers:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Remove all containers:

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Docker Cheat Sheet

Docker UI

Running this on OSX gives you a nice UI to interact with containers and images:

docker build -t crosbymichael/dockerui
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock crosbymichael/dockerui -e /docker.sock

Run it with boot2docker in your browser:

http://(`boot2docker ip`):9000

Do not use it in production as it has no security.

dockerui on github

Einfaches PHP basiertes Docker Web-Interface

German blog post from @cmuench:

Github source code:


How do I link in my PHP app to the dockerized MySQL resp. Redis daemon?

When running the container for php we have defined links to other containers:

  --link redisobject:redisobject \
  --link redissession:redissession \
  --link DocHarrisMySQL:DocHarrisMySQL
  --link Name:Alias

The aliases will be added to the /etc/hosts file:

[ root@555f71b1bdc7:/var/www/site ]$ cat /etc/hosts	555f71b1bdc7
ff00::0	ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1	ip6-allnodes
ff02::2	ip6-allrouters	localhost
::1	localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0	ip6-localnet	DocHarrisMySQL		redisobject		redissession

Don't care for the IP addresses as these ones are dynamic and change with each start or restart.

You can then use as host name: DocHarrisMySQL, etc in you app/etc/local.xml config.

How can I use the PHP CLI when it runs in a background container?

There is no ssh daemon implemented in all Docker containers because that is evil and an anti pattern.

If you need to enter a container use nsenter

On your Linux host

docker-enter [docharris/php55 or Container ID] php n98-magerun.phar

On your OSX or Windows host

docker-enter() {
	boot2docker ssh '[ -f /var/lib/boot2docker/nsenter ] || docker run --rm -v /var/lib/boot2docker/:/target jpetazzo/nsenter'
	boot2docker ssh -t sudo /var/lib/boot2docker/docker-enter "$@"

You can use it directly from your host, no need to ssh into boot2docker.


Please what ever you see or think is wrong tweet it to @schumacherfm, create an issue or open a pull request.


No all containers have been switched to phusion/baseimage because some are not necessary.


Open Software License (OSL 3.0)


Copyright (c) Zookal Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia


Cyrill at Schumacher dot fm or cyrill at zookal dot com

My pgp public key



Docker setup for Magento in use with 2xRedis, MySQL, Nginx, PHP 5.5 (later 5.6 and HHVM containers)






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