#ReviewerRecommend ReviewerRecommend is to give the recommended reviewer list, from the file changes of a certain review request.
#Design Principles
The purpose of recommendation system is, to recommend items for a certain user.
The general concepts are:
- Item based recommendation:
User Mike likes item A, and item A & B are similar, so that to recommend item B to the user Mike. - User based recommendation:
User Mike and user Jim are similar, and Jim likes item C, so that to recommend item C to user Mike. - Feature based recommendation:
User Mike, Jim, Kevin have features Xa, Xb, Xc and liked items A, B, C.
We can train the model Y=f(X), where Xa, Xb, Xc are X and A, B, C are Y.
So that, for user Tom with feature Xd, we can use the model f to give the item recommendation.
ReviewerRecommend is the recommendation based on features.
(1) "User" is the "File changes of a certain review request";
(2) "Item" is the "Recommended reviewer list";
(3) "Features" are X1, X2, ..., X6, where:
X1 -> reciprocal of interval of the last code change;
X2 -> times of changes;
X3 -> average code size for each change;
X4 -> reciprocal of interval of the last code review;
X5 -> times of review;
X6 -> average number of comments raised for each review.
6 typical machine learning algorithms are used to train the model, including Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, AdaBoost, and Naive Bayes.
#Getting started
Software needed to install:
(1) Anaconda: Python machine learning environment
(2) mongoDB: Data base to store code change and review data
mongodb-win32-x86_64 -
Data source
(1) The code change base is a local Git repo from GitHub or BitBucket.
(2) The review base is Pull Requests (PR) records in BitBucket. -
(1) Configurate config.ini with your specialized settings.
#How the project is run
Capture review and code change data from Butbucket and Git repo.
python bitbucket_api.py
python git_api.py -
Generate training and test data set with feature vectors, and train model with the typical 6 machine learning algorithms.
python ML_model.py -
For the review with id xxx, use the model generated in step 2 to recommend reviewers with top N priority and recommendation reasons.
python predict_reviewer.py -id xxx
The top N recommended reviewer list:
E.g. ['Jerry', 'Jim', 'Mike'] -
Recommend reason:
For each recommended reviewer with file, the reason would be given.
If the person's code change or review contribution is more than average, a "great" word would be given. -
Recommend Metrics:
Precision: true true num / predicted num (N)
Recall: true true num / really chosen num
Novelty: Num of "great" that was not chosen by review author originally / total number of reviewers.
Coverage per 7 days: Within the latest 7 days, num of recommended reviewers / total number of reviewers in the pool.
Github id ZhangJifei with [email protected]
Github id huangrurong with [email protected]