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ZeroQI authored Feb 21, 2017
1 parent 4821180 commit d6e1e92
Showing 1 changed file with 150 additions and 0 deletions.
150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions Contents/Code/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
### ###
# API:
# pageUrl = "" + id + "/tree"
# nfoXML = XML.ElementFromURL(pageUrl).xpath('//MediaContainer/MetadataItem/MetadataItem/MetadataItem/MediaItem/MediaPart')[0]
#response ="&extended=full", data={'some': 'data'}, headers=headers)
#raise KeyError(request.POST)

### Imports ###
import common
from common import GetPosters
import json
import httplib
import ssl

#import ssl
#from urllib2 import Request, urlopen

### Variables ### Accessible in this module (others if 'from MyAnimeList import xxx', or 'import' calling them with 'MyAnimeList.Variable_name' ###

### APP details
API_KEY = "105022c0683a2e6116eaaac6fdc6c3179091172f5dfa6adc94e36030e951299b"
#CLIENT_SECRET = "2d6db1f1a929bec2086eb8d89a3aff53be5a647973fa948e586567dba182b905"
HEADERS = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "simkl-api-key": API_KEY}
CONTEXT = ssl.SSLContext (ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) #Prevent "SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)"

### Functions ###

### Call in startup with Simkl.Register()
def Register():
if Prefs['Simkl'] and not Data.Exists("Simkl.token"):
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection("", context=CONTEXT)
connection.request("GET", "/oauth/pin?client_id=%s&redirect_uri=%s" % (API_KEY, REDIRECT_URL), headers=HEADERS)
json_dict = json.loads( connection.getresponse().read().decode("utf-8") )
user_code = json_dict['user_code'] #{u'device_code': u'DEVICE_CODE', u'verification_url': u'', u'interval': 5, u'expires_in': 900, u'user_code': u'63B55', u'result': u'OK'}
counter = json_dict['expires_in']
interval = json_dict['interval']
Log.Info("Level 1 - Copy code: '{}' and go to 'url': '{}', 'expires_in': '{}', 'interval': '{}'".format(user_code, json_dict['verification_url'].replace("\/", "/"), counter, interval))
while counter>0:
counter = counter - interval
connection.request("GET", "/oauth/pin/%s?client_id=%s" % (user_code, API_KEY), headers=HEADERS)
json_dict = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read().decode("utf-8"))
if json_dict["result"] == "OK":
Log.Info("Level 2 - OK" + str(json_dict)) # {u'access_token': u'2a368368c90c5bfc8fe6ad2a71b0174fc488b368932351a2bebae0d75752ae08', u'result': u'OK'}
Data.Save("Simkl.token", json_dict['access_token'])
elif r["result"] == "KO":
Log.Info("Level 2 - Pending user to validate pin" + str(json_dict)) #
Log.Info("json_dict - Pin expired")
return {}

def GetMetadata(metadata, media, movie, AniDBid, TVDBid):
Log.Info("".ljust(157, '-'))
if Data.Exists("Simkl.token"): ### Auth: PIN ###
HEADERS["authorization"] = "Bearer " + Data.Load("Simkl.token")
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection("", context=CONTEXT)

### User Settings ###
#connection.request("GET", "/users/settings", headers=HEADERS)
#json_dict = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read().decode("utf-8"))

#header: {Content-Type:application/json, authorization: Bearer [token], simkl-api-key: [client_id]}
#body: [{"anidb": 70262639}]
#type: movie, tv
connection.request("GET", "/sync/watched?extended=full", json.dumps([{"tvdb": int(TVDBid) if TVDBid else 0, "anidb": int(AniDBid) if AniDBid else 0}]), HEADERS)
json_dict = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read().decode("utf-8"))
if json_dict:
if 'type' in json_dict:
if 'type'=="movie": Log.Info("Simkl.GetMetadata() - Found the movie")
if 'type'=="tv": Log.Info("Simkl.GetMetadata() - Found the TV or Anime show")
if 'result' in json_dict:
if 'result'=='true': Log.Info("Simkl.GetMetadata() - Found a match and found in user's watchlist")
if 'result'=='false': Log.Info("Simkl.GetMetadata() - Found a match but could not find in user's watchlist")
if 'result'=='not_found': Log.Info("Simkl.GetMetadata() - Could not find a match in Simkl database with such Title\Year or ID")
if 'result' in json_dict:
if 'result'=='completed': Log.Info("Simkl.GetMetadata() - User watched the movie or seen all episodes")
if 'result'=='plantowatch': Log.Info("Simkl.GetMetadata() - Found in users's Plan to Watch list")
if 'result'=='dropped': Log.Info("Simkl.GetMetadata() - Found in users's Not Interesting list")
if 'watched' in json_dict:"Simkl.GetMetadata() - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z Datetime in UTC format when the last episode or movie was watched")
Log.Info("Simkl.GetMetadata() - 'token' exist" + str(json_dict))

#con = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
#con.request("GET", "/sync/all-items?extended=full" + typestring, headers=headers)
#return json.loads(con.getresponse().read().decode("utf-8"))

if movie: id = media.items[0].id
for s in media.seasons: #get first file path
for e in media.seasons[s].episodes:
id = media.seasons[s].episodes[e].id

last seen image
"id": 342828,
"url": "",
"title": "Midnight Special",
"poster": "",
"fanart": ""
return {}

def SetWatchedFlag(id, watched=True): #media.seasons[seasonNum].episodes[episodeNum].id #
try: plexViewCount = etree.fromstring( urllib.urlopen( PLEX_HOST+'/library/metadata/'+id ).read() ).find('Video').get('viewCount', 0)
except: plexViewCount = 0

Log.Info("".ljust(157, '-'))
Log.Info("SetWatchedFlag() - watched: '%s', plexViewCount: '%s'" % (str(watched), str(plexViewCount)))
if(watched and not plexViewCount): # If watched on simpl and not Plex, update Plex
url = '' % id # If sage says it's watched, set it as watched in Plex
try: input = urllib.urlopen(url)
except IOError, i: Log.Debug("ERROR in setWatchedUnwatchedFlag: Unable to connect to PMS server"); return False
if not watched and plexViewCount: # If watched on Plex but not Simkl update Simkl
url = '' % id

#Token from Plex directly
thispath = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
for i in range(1, 6):
thispath = os.path.dirname(thispath)
myprefpath = os.path.join(thispath, "Preferences.xml")
if os.path.exists(myprefpath):
mypreftext =
Log("Did NOT find Preferences file - please check logfile and hierarchy. Aborting!")
mytoken = XML.ElementFromString(mypreftext).xpath('//Preferences/@PlexOnlineToken')[0]

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