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DISCLAIMER : This template only changes how the graphics of the User Interface looks. The layout of buttons/borders/backgrounds/etc can only be changed through SporeModderFX's .spui editor. This template is only meant to change the overall look of the interface, not the layout
Hello, and thank you for downloading Zerbie's GUI template (Version 4)!
While this template may not cover all of Spore's interface, it should be enought to at least cover the basics! In this new iteration of the template, there is a copy of the "GUITemplate" folder that labels the images in terms of where/how they're used.
GUI template contains the "Graphics_Atlas" (containing the vital User Interface graphics) and "Editors_" (containing part icons for specific editors) folders
GUI template (labeled) only contains "Graphics_Atlas", with all assets having a unique label.
Below are a set of categories listing off the names and descriptions of graphic assets in the "~graphics_atlas" folder
Please note that certain editors use duplicate files of the same graphic, so take note of how they're labeled in the "labeled" folder.
Please note that certain pieces of graphics are removed as they are never used in game. This is just to declutter the assets, what you see is what the game uses now!
- 0xB2C857E9 : Graphics for the main menu screen
- 0x556F123D : Buttons and bordering
(Prop Selection)
0x232C3E53 : Background elements for the prop selector. Yellow orb are meant to be the "light" coming from the bottom of the "category" tab
0xE76AEC2D : Category Tab Animation for selecting a part category. Yellow orb are meant to be "light" coming off from the bottom of it
0xE278134A : Category Tab middle/end
0xD8F5D895 : Background elements for the Terraform Editor. Yellow orb are meant to be the "light" coming from the bottom of the "category" tab
0xE278134B : Category Tab Animation for selecting a part category. Yellow orb are meant to be "light" coming off from the bottom of it
0xE76AEC2C : Category Tab middle/end
(Adventure Loading)
- 0x856FFCE4 : Light effect for the Adventure Loading Screen Icon
(Captain Editor)
- 0x5C19B3A1 : Buttons, icons and bordering
0x59D037F8 : Small bordering element, found at the bottom right of the building/vehicle selector
0x59D037FA : Background elements for the City Editor. The game stretches this graphic to fill the left half of the screen
0xBBFEFFDE : Category Tab Animation for selecting a part category
0xBBFEFFDF : Category Tab Middle
0xD130E096 : Background elements used only for the Tribe Village editor
0x79D19156 : Bordering elements. Contains pieces used for the middle/end of category tab, as well as pieces for the name/description interface
0x79D19157 : More Bordering elements, Animation for category tab and complexity meter. Yellow orb are meant to be "light" coming off from the bottom of it
0x9833D1FE : Buttons, icons and bordering
0x78E3B8A8 : Bordering, buttons and effects.
0x78E3B8A9 : Buttons and icons. Icons represent the Creature, tribal and building editor
0x78E3B8AA : Buttons, icons, bordering and effects. Icons represent the Creature (Both this and duplicates are used), civil, colonist and spaceship editor.
0x78E3B8AF : Icon for the adventure create/edit. This is only used when accessing through the "create" section. (The rest should be obvious)
(Galactic Adventures)
0x47629544 : Buttons and Icons. Icons represent the "thumbnail" for Galactic Adventures and quick play. The "adventure create/edit" icon is a duplicate only used when accessed through the "Galactic Adventures" section.
0x47629547 : Buttons and Icon. Icon represent the "edit" adventure
- 0x8CBEDD66 / 0xA36166CE : Background elements for the Sporepedia. Duplicate is kept just to be safe...
(Filter Icons)
The following graphics are buttons/icons used to filter types of creations :
- 0x3027FCE1
- 0xD9C9B914
- 0xD9C9B915
These "Editors" folders contain images to represent part icons for their respective editors. An image batch editor is recommended if these assets are intended to have their colors changed.
To understand how to get these icons animate, refer to this page here :