YP_scraper is a Yellow Pages scraper webapp. It's built on Flask, with scraping via requests and lxml, and tasks being handled by Redis and Celery. Each request uses a random proxy and user-agent. Results are output as csvs, for local download or e-mail.
A hosted version of the project can be found at https://yp-scraper.herokuapp.com/
- Create a .env file. This file must have the following variables, with the values for Postgres-related variables being suggested defaults:
[email protected]
- Build/run all services:
docker-compose up --build
Heroku will read the heroku.yml file on deploying from this repo. To securely store the env vars/secrets in .env, Heroku has "Config Vars" that you can configure through the heroku cli or the UI.
Navigate to https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/what_you_name_the_app/settings . Click "Reveal Config Vars" and manually enter the key=value pairs related to e-mail setup as are in the .env for running locally. Since Postgres and Redis are set up as add-on services, they will automatically have their config vars set up.