Pack. Label. Ship. Unpack. Repeat.
Package Logistics is a mod about packing up items into packages, shipping them around your base, and ultimately unpacking them later to use the contained items.
Packer - Takes in items, spits out packages. Must be configured with a shipping label to put on the package in the GUI. Not putting in a label will disable the Packer.
Unpacker - Takes in packages, spits out the contained items. Does not need any special configuration.
Router - Takes in packages via input lanes, spits them out onto output lanes based on their labels. Lanes directions and their shipping labels be configured in the GUI.
Package items will display their contents and their shipping label when hovered over in the inventory.
If you ever encounter a package item with no shipping label, no contents, or both, REPORT A BUG ON THE GITHUB REPOSITORY and DO NOT UNPACK IT!
When reporting a bug like this, please state how the package was created. If you were given it by another player, you should ask them.
The technology to unlock these machines has Logistics 2 as its prerequisite and requires 75 of both red and green science, similar to the Railway tech.
An FAQ should be on the mod's page on the Factorio mod portal. Hopefully.