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Functional Specs from the Main Spec Doc

Zakey Faieq edited this page Aug 8, 2018 · 2 revisions

Outdoors at UVa has over 1000 different pieces of equipment that members regularly ‘check out’ and borrow for a week at a time. Members come to ‘Gear Rooms’ - times when club officers make our gear storage spaces accessible to all members so that they may check gear out. During gear rooms, members pick out what gear they would like to check out, and list the numbers written on the gear to an officer, who then ‘checks out’ that gear under that member’s name. This application aims to help not only our general members by improving how they view gear, but it also aims to help the officers (Gearmasters!) with the pressure-ridden task of quickly checking out, checking in, and accessioning large amounts of gear. The specification for the system begins with the different types of objects (each correspond to a relational table), and continues with the functional specifications of the gear inventory system for the different types of users.

Functional Specifications

General Members

Should be able to view the gear inventory in a table that displays the fields of gear items. Filter by: ItemType Type Status (Checked In/Out) Sort by: Number, Condition, ItemType

Should be able to search (autofill) for gear with text input and be able to see a table of results with the same sorting and filtering options as above.

Should be able to click on any piece of gear and see a modal that shows the gear item’s details as well as information on who has it checked out (and for how long) if it is checked out.

Gearmasters and Officers

Should be able to do everything General Members can do (above).

Should be able to view all gear checked out by a specific member (searchable). Renew all/any gear they have checked out Email member about their overdue gear (with press of button) View a member’s gear checkout history and associated check in/out notes

Should be able to view the checkout history and associated check in/out notes for any given piece of gear (searchable)

Accession/add new gear into the inventory Individually In bulk

Edit gear values

Renew a member’s checked out gear (extend the due date)

Should be able to easily checkout gear to members: In bulk Be able to create a checkout ‘cart’ where gearmaster simply needs to enter a member (autofill search by name/email) and multiple numbers into a form and checkout to member once complete. If items with duplicate numbers exist, gearmaster is prompted to answer which of the items they mean to check out (they are shown a list of the duplicate items’ fields and are able to choose one/many) Write notes about the checkout (per gear) Be alerted to a member having overdue gear when/as they attempt to check gear out to them.

Should be able to easily check in gear from members In bulk Be able to create a check-in ‘cart’ where gearmaster simply needs to enter a member (autofill search by name/email) and multiple numbers into a form and check in gear once complete If items with duplicate numbers exist, gearmaster is prompted to answer which of the items they mean to check out (they are shown a list of the duplicate items’ fields and are able to choose one/many) Write notes about the check-in (per gear)

View all checked out and overdue equipment Be able to send automatic emails to members Upon gear checkout Individually When a trip needs gear/gear needs to be recalled When gear is almost due and gearmaster wants to warn specific problematic member When gear is overdue and gearmaster wants to email the member In bulk To all members with overdue gear To all members with gear checked out (e.g. when the semester is almost over Gear entries should have an option to attach a thumbnail image (helpful for identifying ropes, which cannot be reliably tagged or numbered) To Do: Need to address the issue of consumable gear??? Create a ‘maintenance log’ for all pieces of gear.

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