Author: Zafiirah Hosenie
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
MeerLICHT Classification of Real And Bogus using deep learning. MeerCRAB is a deep learning model based on Convolutional Neural Network as illustrated in the Figure below.
The dataset (training and test set) for threshold 10 and threshold 9 used in this paper can be downloaded at:
Label 0 is for bogus and Label 1 is for real objects.
conda create -n meercrab
conda install python==3.6
Ensure python 3.6 has been set-up first
git clone
cd meercrab
Install requirements: python install
Version: python --version
If any error occurs when git clone this repo, for e.g git-lfs
error, please download the code and the trained models from this link: meercrab
To specify specific parameters, run:
python -m NET3 -n NRD -minP 35 -maxP 65 -t theshold_9 -train True -mp ./meerCRAB_model/
- Select the appropriate parameters to be used for training the network.
- model name: -m can take the following parameters: NET1 , NET2, NET3, NET1_32_64, NET1_64_128, NET1_128_256
- number of images: -n can take NRDS, NRD, NRS, NR, D, S
- minimum pixel to crop from images: -minP can take integer values from 0 to 40
- Maximum pixel to crop: -maxP can take integer values from 60 to 100
- threshold: -t can take threshold_8, threshold_9, threshold_10
- training: -train can be boolen True or False
- the directory to save the model: -mp is a string "./meerCRAB_model/"
or train with default parameters as:
open 'MeerCRAB - DEMO.ipynb' notebook in your browser.
- Select the appropriate parameters to be used for training the network.
- If training = True, run all cells, the code will train and test automatically.
- If training = False, only prediction will be done on the test set found in folder './data'
Using specific parameters:
python -dd./data/dumpformachinelearning_20200114161507.csv -m NET3 -n NRD -minP 35 -maxP 65 -t theshold_9 -train True -p 0.5 -mp ./meerCRAB_model/
- data path: -dd is a string that indicates the data directory
- model name: -m can take the following parameters: NET1 , NET2, NET3, NET1_32_64, NET1_64_128, NET1_128_256
- number of images: -n can take NRDS, NRD, NRS, NR, D, S
- minimum pixel to crop from images: -minP can take integer values from 0 to 40
- Maximum pixel to crop: -maxP can take integer values from 60 to 100
- threshold: -t can take threshold_8, threshold_9, threshold_10
- probability threshold: -p float varies betwwen 0 to 1. The threshold probability to assign a real candidate
- the directory to load the model: -mp is a string "./meerCRAB_model/"
or run with default parameters:
open MeerCRAB-prediction-phase.ipynb in a browser and run all cells
- Assuming we have a csv file similar to the data base,the code use the last 4 columns of the csv files to extract the new, ref, diff, scorr images. Please ensure that the csv file or any database is of this order [New, Ref, Diff, Scorr] and found at the end columns.
- Note that saved models have been trained on either NRDS (4 images), NRD (3 images), NR (2 Images), D (1 image) of 30X30pixels, therefore we need to feed the appropriate number images of 30X30.
- Input to the function code: 'realbogus_prediction' should be of the shape (Nimages, 30, 30, 4), select which model we want to load, for e.g 'NET1_32_64','NET1_64_128','NET1_128_256','NET1','NET2','NET3' and give the ID of the images.
- The function will output the probability that each candidate is a real source with values varying from [0,1]