Paint.NET Filmic Tonemapping Plugin
A filmic tonemapping plugin for Paint.NET. Includes variants of the Reinhard tonemap operator, as well as a simplified Haarm-Pieter Duiker curve and the Uncharted 2 operator.
Install and Use
Drop into your folder, then restart paint.NET and select "Filmic Tonemapping Operators" under the Adjustments menu
This plugin offers the following usage parameters:
- Gamma Correction - enables/disables gamma correction before and after tonemapping
- Pre Gamma - gamma value to account for before tonemapping, set to 0 to disable pre-processing
- Post Gamma - gamma value to adjust image to after tonemapping, set to 0 to disable post-processing
- Tonemapping Model - tonemapping model to use, offers the following options:
- Reinhard RGB Simple - simple Reinhard model applied to RGB values
- Reinhard RGB Full - full Reinhard model applied to RGB values with support for white values
- Reinhard Luminance Simple - simple Reinhard model applied to Luminance values
- Reinhard Luminance Full - full Reinhard model applied to Luminance values with support for white values
- Haarm-Peter Duiker Simple - simple Haarm-Pieter Duiker curve
- Uncharted 2 GDC - Uncharted 2 model using parameter values from Hable's GDC talk, supports white values
- Uncharted 2 Blog - Uncharted 2 model using parameter values from Hable's blod post, supports white values
- White Value - color value which will be mapped to full white in final results
- Pre Exposure - Amount of image exposure to apply before tonemapping