I’m Zac Moss, I’m a full-stack software engineer and alumni of the Makers Academy July ‘22 cohort. I write in Javascript (including React and React Native) and Ruby.
I learned to code after meeting software engineers working remote while on a rock climbing trip in Thailand. I loved the sound of a career that allowed so much flexibility! When I returned I entered lockdown and immediately started a course on Codecademy. I’ve been hooked ever since.
Name | Description | Tech/tools |
Remember To Vote (Live site / Repo) | A demonstration website for a messaging service that reminds voters to vote on the day of the election by texting them their polling station address. Created for Campaign Lab. | Typescript, React, NextJS, Node.js, Vercel, Jest, Twilio API, Electoral Commision API, HTML, CSS |
Twitterpulse | A full-stack web application that ranks Twitter users based on their interactions with other high-profile Twitter users. Powered by Firebase, with a React front-end reading data from a Firestore NoSQL database, using Node.js Firebase Functions in the backend. A Python script runs daily, interacting with the Twitter API using the Tweepy Library and analysing up to 2 million tweets a month. Responsible for everything except the UX design. | Javascript, React, Node.js, Firebase, Firestore, Jest, Python, PythonAnywhere, Tweepy, Twitter API, HTML |
Polling Station Address Sender | A script that messages potential voters the address of their polling station using SMS or WhatsApp. Created for Campaign Lab. | Javascript, Node.js, Electoral Commision Api, Twilio, Jest |
Chitter (Front-End / API) | A full-stack MERN social media web application that allows users to create accounts, make and like posts, and tag other users. Users are sent an email when tagged in a post. Front-end is currently in progress! | Javascript, React, Node.js, Express, Twilio SendGrid, MongoDB, Jest, Cypress, Supertest, Bcrypt, HTML |
Divvy | A mobile app for calculating how to split group meal costs in restaurants. Users can take a photo of a receipt and have it itemised on the app. It supports additional charges including tips, service charges, taxes, and can deduct discounts. | Javascript, React Native, Node.js, Expo, Realm, Taggun, CSS |
Acebook | A full-stack MCV social media web application. Users can make a profile and upload a profile photo, add friends, see and comment on their friends posts, and like comments and posts. | Javascript, Node.js, MongoDB, Handlebars, Jest, Cypress, HTML, CSS |
MakersBnB | A full-stack MCV rental marketplace. Users can post properties or spaces they own or manage and other users can request to book them. | Ruby, Sinatra, Active Record, PostGres, RSpec, HTML, CSS |
Gilded Rose | Inventory manager for a fictional shop. Items degrade in quality with each passing day depending on the special qualities of the item. | Javascript, Jest |
Bank Tech Test | Mock tech test, a transaction handler for a bank account. It validates and records withdrawals and deposits and can return a bank statement based on the account’s transaction history. | Javascript, Jest |
Busiest Climber | Web scraper and leaderboard creator. Scrapes the second largest database of rock climbs in the world and builds a top ten leaderboard for an area based on who had completed the most climbs. My earliest project! | Python, Selenium, BeautifulSoup |