This project is about creating a tool that encrypt/decrypt files using AES-256-CBC and HMAC signature (digest mode SHA256) from PyCryptodome library.
❯ pip install pycryptodome
❯ python3 -h
usage: [-h] (-e | -d) -i FIN -o FOUT password
AES-256-CBC encryption & HMAC-SHA256 integrity check tool
positional arguments:
password Secret password
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --encrypt Encryption mode
-d, --decrypt Decryption mode
-i FIN, --in FIN input file
-o FOUT, --out FOUT output file
For instance:
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool/src/cryptography/Symmetric
❯ python3 -e -i ../../../plain -o ../../../encrypt password
[+]: Encryption success: ../../../encrypt
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool/src/cryptography/Symmetric
❯ python3 -d -i ../../../encrypt -o ../../../decrypt password
[+]: Decryption success: ../../../decrypt
Generate private/public keys for sender and receiver.
Using script:
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool
❯ ./
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool
❯ openssl genrsa 2122 > rsa-1-priv.pem
❯ openssl rsa -pubout -in rsa-1-priv.pem > rsa-1-pub.pem
❯ openssl genrsa 2122 > rsa-2-priv.pem
❯ openssl rsa -pubout -in rsa-2-priv.pem > rsa-2-pub.pem
usage: [-h] (-e | -d) -priv PRIVATE_KEY -pub PUBLIC_KEY -i FIN -o FOUT
AES-256-CBC symmetric encryption, RSA asymmetric encryption & RSA-SHA256 PKCS#1 PSS signature integrity check tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --encrypt Encryption mode
-d, --decrypt Decryption mode
-priv PRIVATE_KEY, --private PRIVATE_KEY
private key
-pub PUBLIC_KEY, --public PUBLIC_KEY
public key
-i FIN, --in FIN input file
-o FOUT, --out FOUT output file
For instance:
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool/src/cryptography/Asymmetric
❯ python3 -e -i ../../../plain -o ../../../encrypt -priv ../../../rsa-1-priv.pem -pub ../../../rsa-2-pub.pem
[+]: Encryption success: ../../../encrypt
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool/src/cryptography/Asymmetric
❯ python3 -d -i ../../../encrypt -o ../../../decrypt -priv ../../../rsa-2-priv.pem -pub ../../../rsa-1-pub.pem
[+]: The signature is authentic.
[+]: Decryption success: ../../../decrypt
Using script:
# Generates 3 key-pairs
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool
❯ ./ 4
General usage:
usage: [-h] {e,d} ...
Multi user encryption tool: AES-256-CBC symmetric encryption, RSA asymmetric encryption & RSA-SHA256 PKCS#1 PSS signature integrity check
positional arguments:
{e,d} Multi User Encryption Mode
e Encryption Mode
d Decryption Mode
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Encryption module usage:
usage: e [-h] input_file output_file my_sign_priv_key my_ciph_pub_key users_ciph_pub [users_ciph_pub ...]
positional arguments:
input_file plain input file
output_file encrypted output file
my_sign_priv_key my private signature key
my_ciph_pub_key my public cipher key
users_ciph_pub users public cipher key
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Decryption module usage:
usage: d [-h] input_file output_file my_ciph_priv_key my_ciph_pub_key sender_sign_pub
positional arguments:
input_file encrypted input file
output_file decrypted output file
my_ciph_priv_key my private cipher key
my_ciph_pub_key my public cipher key
sender_sign_pub sender public signature key
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
For instance:
- Encryption of the file: plain
- Sender using: key-pair-1/
- Receiver using: key-pair-1/, key-pair-2/, key-pair-3/
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool/src/cryptography/Multi-User-Encryption
❯ python3 e ../../../plain ../../../encrypt ../../../key-pair-1/signature-1-priv.pem ../../../key-pair-1/cipher-1-pub.pem ../../../key-pair-2/cipher-2-pub.pem ../../../key-pair-3/cipher-3-pub.pem ../../../key-pair-3/cipher-3-pub.pem
[+]: Encryption success: ../../../encrypt
- Decryption of the file: encrypt
- Receiver using: key-pair-2/ and signature-1-pub.pem (Sender public signature key)
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool/src/cryptography/Multi-User-Encryption
❯ python3 d ../../../encrypt ../../../decrypt ../../../key-pair-2/cipher-2-priv.pem ../../../key-pair-2/cipher-2-pub.pem ../../../key-pair-1/signature-1-pub.pem
[+]: The signature is authentic.
[+]: Decryption success: ../../../decrypt
Unauthorized: not in recipient users
- decryption of the file: encrypt
- Receiver using: key-pair-4/ and signature-1-pub.pem (Sender public signature key)
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool/src/cryptography/Multi-User-Encryption
❯ python3 d ../../../encrypt ../../../decrypt ../../../key-pair-4/cipher-4-priv.pem ../../../key-pair-4/cipher-4-pub.pem ../../../key-pair-1/signature-1-pub.pem
[+]: The signature is authentic.
[!]: Public key not found
User n°4 cannot decrypt the message because he is not in the list of recipient users even if the signature is authentic.
Unauthorized: signature is not authentic
- decryption of the file: encrypt
- Receiver using: key-pair-4/ and signature-1-pub.pem (Sender public signature key)
❯ cd ./FileEncryptionTool/src/cryptography/Multi-User-Encryption
❯ python3 d ../../../encrypt ../../../decrypt ../../../key-pair-3/cipher-3-priv.pem ../../../key-pair-3/cipher-3-pub.pem ../../../key-pair-4/signature-4-pub.pem
[!]: The signature is not authentic.
User n°3 cannot verify the integrity of the message since the signature is not authentic.
The program does not allow the decryption of the message if the signature is not authentic although the message can be correctly decrypted in our case because user 3 is among the recipients.