*Application Protocol Data Unit
$ git clone https://github.com/Yulypso/cryptoFile.git
> apduio-terminal
> captransf
> gpshell
> java_card_kit
> jdk1.6
> setenv.bat
> 1_makeApplet.bat
> 2_makeClient.bat
> 3_card-deleteApplet.bat
> 4_card-installApplet.bat
> 5_runClient.bat
Welcome on board! #Thierry Khamphousone MS-SIS 2021/2022
6: Retrieve a file from the card by [#ID]
5: List files stored inside the card (#sorted by file size)
4: Upload a file to the card
3: Compare 2 files
2: Decrypt a file
1: Encrypt a file
0: Exit