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DSN(Data Source Name) Selector implements a selector for tRPC-Go, which uses the client's target as a data source name , and returns it in the Node's Address
client: # backend-config for client
service: # backend's config
- name: trpc.dsn.xxx.xxx
target: dsn://user:passwd@tcp(ip:port)/db # select returns the address after "://"
- name: trpc.dsn.xxx.xxx1
# dsn+polaris means that the host in target will be resolved by polaris, and the actual address will be replaced
# after the host, and the part after "://" will be returned
# polaris is specified when registering the selector, and can also be other selectors
target: dsn+polaris://user:passwd@tcp(host)/db
// register selector
func init() {
// use target as data source name or uri directly
selector.Register("dsn", dsn.DefaultSelector)
// selector which supports address resolution, polaris is the name of the address resolution selector
// dsn.URIHostExtractor{} is the extractor to extract the key of polaris service from target
selector.Register("dsn+polaris", dsn.NewResolvableSelector("polaris", &dsn.URIHostExtractor{}))