This setup will start X window server and run Chromium browser opening the page that you will specify in the environmental variable URL
on the dashboard.
- Raspberry-Pi 2
- Power Supply (2A)
- MicroSDHC 8GB
- (optional) Wifi USB dongle
- HDMI cable to connect it on the TV/screen
Sign up to and create your first application with a name and select Raspberry-Pi 2 as device
Download the image for your device and follow the instruction to copy the image on the SD card
PiFiller (OS X)
Win32DiskImager (Windows)
Connect your RPi to the TV and turn it on, you will see logo on the tv and a loading bar, that means that the device was correctly setup and it's booting correctly, now it's going to do some updates and later download your code into the device make sure to not interrupt this operation.
In your dashboard you will see the device after it's online and it will start downloading your code.