This is a FlashLoan Smart Contract deployed to the Binance Smartchain You can deploy to a different EVM compatible blockchain if they do have the Pancakeswap and Apeswap DEX deployed on the chain
First install all the required packages
npm install
You can change the tokens to what suits you in the run-arbitrage.js. I used the BNB/USDT Pair
You must have nodeJS installed in your computer to run the bot
node run-arbitrage.js
To deploy your smart contract. Do the Following
Sign up to a blockchain node. ANKR was used in this project. You can sign up here:
On ANKR, create a new project and then copy the URL either WSS_URL or HTTP_URL
Create a .env file in the root folder of your project and add the URL you copied. It should look like this:
To deploy and initiate your smart contract, you will need to have a metamask wallet with at least $10 BNB. You also need the private key of the metamask account and you need to put this inside the .env file to. NOTE: Do not share your private key with anyone else. Your private key can be used to drain you account. So be careful.
So on .env file, you add your private key like this
- Finally you can deploy, You should compile your smart contract first using
truffle compile
- Then you deploy with the following
truffle deploy --network BSC