Info 449 Assignment
- Write a console "calculator" program
user can enter a number, hit return user can enter an operation (add, sub, mul, div, mod), then return user can enter a number, hit return program calculates the result
- Example usage
$ calc Enter an expression separated by returns: 15 + 27 Result: 42 Enter an expression separated by returns: 15
27 Result: -12
- Add a few new (multi-operand) operations in
"count": count the number of input 10 4 25 17 5 count => 5 "avg": average all the inputs 2 4 6 8 10 avg => 6 any of these can take any number of inputs "fact": calculate factorial 5 fact => 120 fact can only accept one number
- Use readLine for standard input reading
let response = readLine(stripNewline: true)!