ZenPods is a feature-rich web application designed to empower podcast creators and listeners. With a robust backend developed using Node.js and MongoDB, and a dynamic frontend built with React (powered by Vite) and styled with Tailwind CSS, ZenPods offers a comprehensive podcasting experience.
Upload and manage your podcasts.
Create and edit podcast episodes.
User-friendly interface for listening to podcasts.
Add comments to podcasts and respond to other users' comments.
You can run the project on your local machine by following these steps:
Set Environment Variables Create a .env file by copying the .env.example file and configure the necessary environment variables.
Install Dependencies
Navigate to the project folder and open two console, install the dependencies by running the following commands:
For server side:
cd server npm install nodemon start
For client side:
cd client npm install npm run dev
The application will run by default at http://localhost:5173.