- What is Easy Front?
- Why we should use Easy Front?
- Usage of Easy Front
- IDE Setup ( Jetbrains )
- Reference of Easy Front
- Download and CDN
- Last changes
Fast Coding | Easy And Simple Front End | JavaScript Library
- if you want to code faster
- if you want to have clean code
- if you want to have fast and lightweight code
- if you want to get rid of class and hard styling
- if you want to have modern code
<html lang="en">
<title>Easy Front</title>
<!-- Your Head Codes -->
<p easy-font-size="28px">
Hello World
<p easy-font-size="33px"
Hello World
<!-- Adding Library -->
<script src="./EasyFrontPure.js"></script>
- Go to
Setting | Editor | Inspections
- Choose HTML
- Select Unknown html tag attribute
- Check the Custom HTML tag attribute
- Copy text below
- Past in the input
- colors
- easy-color
- backgrounds
- easy-bg-color
- easy-bg-size
- easy-bg-position
- easy-bg-repeat
- easy-bg-clip
- easy-bg-blend-mode
- easy-bg-attachment
- margins
- easy-margin
- easy-margin-top
- easy-margin-bottom
- easy-margin-left
- easy-margin-right
- paddings
- easy-padding
- easy-padding-top
- easy-padding-bottom
- easy-padding-left
- easy-padding-right
- fonts
- easy-font-size
- easy-font-family
- easy-font-style
- easy-font-weight
- borders
- easy-border
- easy-border-right
- easy-border-right-color
- easy-border-right-style
- easy-border-right-width
- easy-border-left
- easy-border-left-color
- easy-border-left-style
- easy-border-left-width
- easy-border-top
- easy-border-top-color
- easy-border-top-style
- easy-border-top-width
- easy-border-bottom
- easy-border-bottom-color
- easy-border-bottom-style
- easy-border-bottom-width
- border radius
- easy-border-radius
- easy-border-radius-bl
- easy-border-radius-br
- easy-border-radius-tl
- easy-border-radius-tr
- text align
- easy-text-align
- easy-text-align-all
- easy-text-align-last
- text decoration
- easy-text-decoration
- easy-text-decoration-color
- easy-text-decoration-line
- easy-text-decoration-style
- easy-text-decoration-width
- easy-text-decoration-skip
- easy-text-decoration-skip-ink
- text anchor
- easy-text-anchor
- text justify
- easy-text-justify
- easy-text-justify-trim
- text emphasis
- easy-text-emphasis
- easy-text-emphasis-color
- easy-text-emphasis-position
- easy-text-emphasis-style
- easy-text-emphasis-skip
- text combine
- easy-text-combine
- easy-text-combine-upright
- text line through
- easy-text-line-through
- easy-text-line-through-color
- easy-text-line-through-mode
- easy-text-line-through-style
- text orientation
- easy-text-orientation
- text overflow
- easy-text-overflow-skip
- easy-text-overflow-mode
- text overline
- easy-text-overline
- easy-text-overline-color
- easy-text-overline-mode
- easy-text-overline-style
Download is not available yet! Clone Project!
<!-- CDN Is Not Available Yet -->
- Fix bugs
- Edit and rewrite library core
- Update library attribute support list