Get the color / position from the screen with different zoom of the Font. You can take real screen Font zoom or DPI.
Example use:
using YariControl.RealCursorPosition;
private Point point;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
point = DisplayScreenTools.GetRoundedRealPoint(Cursor.Position);
label1.Text = "Position: " + point.ToString();//print real position
label2.Text = "Font Zoom: " + DisplayScreenTools.GetFontZoom + "%";//print Font Zoom percent
label3.Text = "Screen DPI: " + DisplayScreenTools.GetScreenDpi;//print screen dpi
panel1.BackColor = ScreenPixelColor.GetPixelColor(point);//pixel color from real cursor position
pictureBox1.Image = Screenshot.TakeCenterSnapshot(point, pictureBox1.Size);//Get center screen shot
PM> Install-Package YariControl.RealCursorPosition -Version
Created on .NET.Framework 3.0