A box for flet, abusing contextmanagers and decorators.
FletBox is a gradio/nicegui style wrapper around flet, handling the routing & syntax for you.
NOTE: for those who used fletbox<0.3, the syntax has changed and therefore your code will break.
I promise though, the new syntax is definitely cleaner!
pip install fletbox
import flet as ft
from fletbox import FletBox, Builder, Factory
NOTE: you can pass normal ft.app kwargs to FletBox.
fb = FletBox(view=ft.AppView.WEB_BROWSER)
kwargs can also be set via AttrDict.
fb.kwargs.port = 8550
The view routing is handled in the background.
This decorator is used for routing, and all decorated views take two inputs, page and builder.
def test(page: ft.Page):
EXTRA: the standard page.go function can be used for traveling between routes.
The syntax is drastically altered from the standard flet library.
def test(page: ft.Page) -> None:
with page.Container(expand=True, margin=-10, gradient=page.standard_gradient): #can used stored attributes using "page" as a shared storage
with page.Row() as row: #can be assigned, or not
row.controls.append(ft.ElevatedButton("FletBox")) #see above
textfield = page.TextField(label="FletBox", text_size=20) #can be assigned, or not - for modification/reads
@page.postexec #OPTIONAL: postexec decorator - run function after view load
def postfunc():
#can define whatever non-view-specific thing you want, passing target is optional
def shared_methods(page: ft.Page):
page.fonts = {
"Raleway": "assets/Raleway[wght].ttf"
page.theme = ft.Theme(color_scheme_seed="pink", visual_density="COMFORTABLE", font_family="Raleway")
page.standard_gradient = ft.LinearGradient(begin=ft.alignment.bottom_left, end=ft.alignment.top_right, colors=["#F7C35A", "#FBAFAB"])
And finally we run the application.
NOTE: you can pass normal ft.app kwargs to fb.app.
#pass normal ft.app kwargs to fb.app
import flet as ft
from fletbox import FletBox, Builder, Factory
#module with custom components
import flet_material as fm
fm.Theme.set_theme("earth") #whatever theme you want
#factory generates builders
factory = Factory(modules={"fm": fm})
#pass custom factory
fb = FletBox(factory=factory)
#fletbox decorator for routing
def test(page: ft.Page) -> None:
with page.Container(expand=True, margin=-10):
#shell class in builder for fm due to custom factory
page.fm.CheckBox(ft.BoxShape.CIRCLE, value=False, disabled=False)
If you wish to disable printouts from fletbox, such as the follows:
SETUP completed in YOUR_TIME_HERE connected to route / in YOUR_TIME_HERE
set verbose as False (must be run before fb.app):
fb.verbose = False
If you want to make a dynamic view constructor:
The following code will match (e.g. /something/1) and pass wildcard=VALUE_IN_URL as kwargs
def wildcard_example(page: ft.Page, wildcard:Any=...) -> None:
Unlike in fletbox<=0.2.13, the layout subclass for controls no longer exists as the contextmanagers and items controls were merged.
However, there is still an underlying builder subclass that was merged into page - for advanced uses it can be accessed in a few different ways.
It is important to note that the builder is stateless, as in it is refreshed on every function / view invocation.
Access via legacy args method as following
def test(page: ft.Page, builder: Builder) -> Builder:
with builder.Container(expand=True, margin=-10, gradient=page.standard_gradient):
with builder.Row() as row:
textfield = builder.TextField(label="FletBox", text_size=20)
return builder #you may return builder as optional, if you want to swap it
Access via internal value as following
def test(page: ft.Page) -> Builder:
builder = page.builder
with builder.Container(expand=True, margin=-10, gradient=page.standard_gradient):
with builder.Row() as row:
textfield = builder.TextField(label="FletBox", text_size=20)
return builder #you may return builder as optional, if you want to swap it