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ROS2 Humble/Jazzy Workspace of Raspberry Pi for Underwater Snake-like Robot with Screw-drive Mechanism


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[WIP] usr_sdm_pi_ws

ROS2 Humble(or Jazzy) Workspace of Raspberry Pi Controller for Underwater Snake-like Robot with Screw-drive Mechanism


You can either build it yourself or use the prebuilt binaries:

  • Ubuntu 22.04(Or 24.02) Server
  • ROS2 Humble
  • WiringPi (for RS485-CAN-HAT)
  • Realsense (for iD405)

Install Ubuntu 22.04 server on Raspberry Pi Zero 2W

Use Raspberry Pi Imager to set up the image loader.

Install ROS2 Humble on Ubuntu 22.04 server

For the USR-SDM client, ROS2 Humble is used on the Ubuntu 22.04 server for Raspberry Pi Zero 2W.

# install necessary packages
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git locales curl wget gnupg lsb-release python3 python3-pip vim
# add ros2 repository
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg] $(source /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2.list > /dev/null

Since USR-SDM client with Raspberry Pi Zero 2W is a system without a desktop, the ros-base is chosen for installation to save space.

# install ros2 humble and colcon (Ubuntu 22.02)
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-ros-base python3-colcon-common-extensions
# install ros2 jazzy and colcon (Ubuntu 24.02)
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install ros-jazzy-ros-base python3-colcon-common-extensions

Add source and export to ~/.bashrc:

# source ros2 humble and colcon (Ubuntu 22.02)
echo "source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source /usr/share/colcon_cd/function/" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export _colcon_cd_root=/opt/ros/humble/" >> ~/.bashrc
# source ros2 jazzy and colcon (Ubuntu 24.02)
echo "source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source /usr/share/colcon_cd/function/" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export _colcon_cd_root=/opt/ros/jazzy/" >> ~/.bashrc

Install WiringPi

WiringPi is a performant GPIO access library written in C for Raspberry Pi boards.

From Source

Create Debian-package

# fetch the source
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd WiringPi
# build the package
./build debian
mv debian-template/wiringpi_3.6_arm64.deb .
# install it
sudo apt-get install ./wiringpi_3.6_arm64.deb

Access GPIO pins without root

sudo apt-get install rpi.gpio-common
# Create a gpio group:
sudo groupadd gpio
# Add your user to the gpio group:
sudo usermod -aG gpio $USER
# Create a udev rule file:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-gpio.rules
# Add the following lines to the file:
SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpiochip*", ACTION=="add", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c 'chown -R root:gpio /dev/gpiomem && chmod -R 770 /dev/gpiomem'"
SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpio*", ACTION=="add", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c 'chown -R root:gpio /dev/gpiomem && chmod -R 770 /dev/gpiomem'"
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
sudo reboot
sudo adduser "${USER}" dialout
sudo chown root:gpio /dev/gpiomem
sudo chmod g+rw /dev/gpiomem
# Wasted
SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpiochip*", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/chgrp gpio /dev/gpiochip0"
SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpiochip*", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/chmod g+rw /dev/gpiochip0"
SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpio*", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/chgrp gpio /dev/gpio*"
SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpio*", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/chmod g+rw /dev/gpio*"
SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpiomem", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/chgrp gpio /dev/gpiomem"
SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", KERNEL=="gpiomem", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/chmod g+rw /dev/gpiomem"

RS485-CAN-HAT from WaveShare


# Edit the config.txt file using your preferred text editor.
sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
# Add or modify the necessary lines to configure the MCP2515 CAN controller with a 12 MHz crystal.
# For nano, press Ctrl + X, then Y to confirm changes, and Enter to save.
# Check if the CAN interface is available:
sudo apt-get install net-tools
ifconfig -a
# Load the necessary kernel modules:
sudo modprobe can
sudo modprobe can_dev
sudo modprobe mcp251x
# To make the modules load at boot, add them to /etc/modules:
echo "can" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
echo "can_dev" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
echo "mcp251x" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
# Bring up the CAN interface with the desired bitrate (e.g., 500000):
sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000

Install CAN Utilities

Install the can-utils package to test and work with the CAN interface:

sudo apt install can-utils
cansend can0 123#11223344AABBCCDD

Install Realsense

The RealSense SDK requires some dependencies. Install them using the following commands:

sudo apt-get install git cmake libssl-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config libgtk-3-dev

Clone the Intel RealSense repository and build the SDK.

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd librealsense
# Checkout the stable branch
git checkout stable
# Create a build directory
mkdir build
cd build
# Build the SDK
cmake ../ -DFORCE_LIBUVC=true -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release
make -j4
sudo make install

Intel RealSense devices require udev rules to be set up properly.

sudo cp config/99-realsense-libusb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

Optimize Building Environment

Use Swap Space

Increase the swap space to provide more virtual memory for the build process.

# Install dphys-swapfile and dphys-config
sudo apt-get install dphys-swapfile dphys-config
sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

Change the CONF_SWAPSIZE to a larger value, for example, 2048 (2GB). Save and exit, then:

sudo dphys-swapfile setup
sudo dphys-swapfile swapon


ROS2 Humble/Jazzy Workspace of Raspberry Pi for Underwater Snake-like Robot with Screw-drive Mechanism







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