This repository is currently inactive and serves only as a supplement some of our papers. We have transitioned to using individual repositories for new projects. For our current work, see the Magenta website and the list of projects in the Magenta GitHub Organization.
This directory contains Magenta models.
- Arbitrary Image Stylization: A machine learning system for performing fast artistic style transfer that may work on arbitrary painting styles.
- Coconet: Counterpoint by Convolution train a convolutional neural network to complete partial musical scores.
- Drums RNN: Applies language modeling to drum track generation using an LSTM.
- GANSynth: GANSynth is an algorithm for synthesizing audio with generative adversarial networks.
- Image Stylization: A "Multistyle Pastiche Generator" that generates artistics representations of photographs. Described in A Learned Representation For Artistic Style.
- Improv RNN: Generates melodies a la Melody RNN, but conditions the melodies on an underlying chord progression.
- Melody RNN: Applies language modeling to melody generation using an LSTM.
- Music VAE: A hierarchical recurrent variational autoencoder for music.
- NSynth: "Neural Audio Synthesis" as described in NSynth: Neural Audio Synthesis with WaveNet Autoencoders.
- Onsets and Frames: Automatic piano music transcription model as described in Onsets and Frames: Dual-Objective Piano Transcription
- Performance RNN: Applies language modeling to polyphonic music using a combination of note on/off, timeshift, and velocity change events.
- Piano Genie: Piano Genie is a system for learning a low-dimensional discrete representation of piano music. It uses an encoder RNN to compress piano sequences (88 keys) into many fewer buttons (e.g. 8). A decoder RNN is responsible for converting the simpler sequences back to piano space.
- Pianoroll RNN-NADE: Applies language modeling to polyphonic music generation using an LSTM combined with a NADE, an architecture called an RNN-NADE. Based on the architecture described in Modeling Temporal Dependencies in High-Dimensional Sequences: Application to Polyphonic Music Generation and Transcription.
- Polyphony RNN: Applies language modeling to polyphonic music generation using an LSTM. Based on the BachBot architecture described in Automatic Stylistic Composition of Bach Choralies with Deep LSTM.
- RL Tuner: Takes an LSTM that has been trained to predict the next note in a monophonic melody and enhances it using reinforcement learning (RL). Described in Tuning Recurrent Neural Networks with Reinforcement Learning and Sequence Tutor: Conservative Fine-Tuning of Sequence Generation Models with KL-control
- Score2Perf and Music Transformer: Score2Perf is a collection of Tensor2Tensor problems for generating musical performances, either unconditioned or conditioned on a musical score.
- Sketch RNN: A recurrent neural network model for generating sketches. Described in Teaching Machines to Draw and A Neural Representation of Sketch Drawings.
- SVG VAE: SVG VAE is a Tensor2Tensor problem for generating font SVGs. Described in A Learned Representation for Scalable Vector Graphics.