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Register Mismatch Decompilation Tricks

H.M. Burger edited this page Oct 2, 2024 · 3 revisions

Register Mismatch Decompilation Tricks

This page contains some examples of some unintuitive or tricky compiler tricks that may be SotN specific to get registers to match.


The developers of SotN tended to use foo > bar in if statements.

That tends to get compiled to look as foo >= bar+1

This can cause the "wrong" registers to be used. Take for example the asm

    slti    at,v1,0x29
    bnez    at,3d0

Directly, this translates to

if (foo >= 0x29) {

However, that will compile to

    slti    v1,v1,0x29
    bnez    v1,3d0

Which uses the register v1 instead of at.

The "correct" translation is if (foo> 0x28)

# Modulo

This is a harder one to find in PSX vs PSP.

Take the following assembly in PSX and PSP

lui     v1,%hi(foo)
lw      v1,%lo(foo)(v1)
bgez    v1,1c4 ~>
move    v0,v1
addiu   v0,v1,0x7f
sra     a0,v0,0x7
sll     v0,a0,0x7
subu    a0,v1,v0
lui     v0,%hi(foo)
lw      v1,%lo(foo)(v0)
li      v0,0x80
andi    s2,v1,0x7f
bgez    v1,284
beqz    s2,284
addiu   s2,s2,-0x80

It sure looks like this is some sort of branching statement and you may try to write something like this

bar = foo & 0x7F;
if (bar < 0 && bar != 0) {
    bar -= 128;

However, that compiles to (PSP)

lui     v0,%hi(foo)
lw      v0,%lo(foo)(v0)
andi    s1,v0,0x7f
bgez    s1,284 ~>
beqz    s1,284 ~>
addiu   s1,s1,-0x80

Close, but not quite there. The "tell" on this situation is that we are loading 0x80 into v0 on psp, but not doing anything with it.
This may be a compiler bug (it may also be a sort of comment to help debug), but we can leverage it to know that this is actually a modulo. The correct translation is

index = foo % 0x80;