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uStoreProvider types orders

Oren levy edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 1 revision


GUID : string

globally unique identifier

OrderItemPropertyModel : Object

Added/updated Dial Value

SubOrderItemModel : Object

Provides information about a component order item.

OrderItemModel : Object

Provides information about an order item.

ProductPriceModel : Object

Provides information about a product's price and tax.

OrderItemPriceModel : Object

Provides information about an order item's price and tax.

OrderItemStatusModel : Object

Provides information about an order item's submission status.

OrderApprovalModel : Object

Provides the order approval information.

CartItemPropertyModel : Object

Provides information about a product's property for cart.

ProductUnitTypeModel : Object

Provides information about a product unit type.

ProductUnitModel : Object

Provides information about a product unit.
The unit can be a single item, multiple items or a pack of items.

CartProductModel : Object

Provides information about a product.

CartSubItemModel : Object

Provides information about the subitem of the cart item.

CartItemThumbnailModel : Object

Provides information about the thumbnail of the cart item.

AttributeModel : Object

Provides information about an attribute.

CartItemModel : Object

Provides information about the cart item.

CartModel : Object

Provides information about the cart of the user.

ErrorModel : Object

Provides information about an error.

CartItemValidationModel : Object

Provides information about an error of the order item.

CartItemPriceModel : Object

Provides pricing information for a Shopping Cart item.

CartPriceModel : Object

Provides pricing information for the Shopping Cart.

CartItemUpdateModel : Object

Provides information that can be updated for the cart item.

WishListItemUpdateModel : Object

Provides information that can be updated for the wish list item.

CartListCreateResponseModel : Object

Provides cart list DTO.

CartListDetailsModel : Object

Provides cart list DTO.

CartListCreateModel : Object

Provides cart list model for create.

CartListModel : Object

Provides cart list DTO.

CartListExportResponseModel : Object

Provides information that was took from the export cart web-hook.

ActivityCreateResponseModel : Object

Provides the result of the activity creation.

UserOrdersSummaryModel : Object

Provides a user's summary of orders.

FileInfoModel : Object

A representation of the file entity

OrderItemFileAttachmentPropertyModel : Object

Added/updated Dial Value for FileAttachment.

DeliveryServicesModel : Object

DeliveryMethod : enum

Delivery methods

Kind: global enum

Name Type Default Description
Shipping number 1 Shipping delivery method
Mailing number 2 Mailing delivery method

ActivityStatus : enum

Enum values present async activity status.

Kind: global enum

Name Type Default
InProgress number 1
Completed number 2
Failed number 3
PartiallyFailed number 4

ErrorType : enum

Error type indication.

Kind: global enum

Name Type Default Description
InventoryExceeded number 1 Indicates whether inventory for the selected product have been exceeded
InventoryOutOfStock number 2 Indicates whether inventory for the selected product is Out Of Stock
InventoryDelayed number 3 Indicates whether inventory for the selected product have been exceeded and delivery might be delayed
ProductNotAvailable number 4 Indicates whether the selected product is not available
ProductComponentNotAvailable number 5 Indicates whether one of the selected product components is not available
MaxUnitsExceeded number 6 Indicates whether maximum quantity for the selected product have been exceeded
MinUnitsNotReached number 7 Indicates whether minimum quantity for the selected product is not reached
MinUnitsNotReached number 8 Indicates whether product units have been changed
MaxUnitsExceededForOrder number 9 Indicates whether maximum quantity for the selected product have been exceeded
RecipientListModelInvalid number 10 Indicates whether the selected recipient list model in not available
DeliveryMethodInvalid number 11 Indicates whether the selected delivery method in not available
GdprFilesDeleted number 12 Indicates whether order item files have been deleted by GDPR
ProductOptionsChanged number 13 Indicates whether product properties options have been changed
InventoryComponentOutOfStock number 14 Indicates whether inventory of the selected product components is Out Of Stock
ForcedSplitShipping number 15 Indicates whether split shipping is forced by property selection

ErrorLevel : enum

Indicates error level.

Kind: global enum

Name Type Default Description
Warning number 1 Low error level.
Error number 2 High error level.

GUID : string

globally unique identifier

Kind: global typedef

OrderItemPropertyModel : Object

Added/updated Dial Value

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
ID GUID The unique ID of the property.
Value Object The value of the property.

SubOrderItemModel : Object

Provides information about a component order item.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
IsIncluded boolean TIndicates whether the component order item is included in the parent order item.
ID GUID The unique ID of the order item.
FriendlyID number The friendly ID of the order item.
ProductID GUID The unique ID of the order item's product.
Quantity number The number of units of the product to be purchased in the order item.
Items SubOrderItemModel The component order items of the order item.
DeliveryMethod DeliveryMethod The selected delivery method of the order item.
DeliveryServiceID GUID The selected delivery service id of the order item.
Properties OrderItemPropertyModel The order item's property values.

OrderItemModel : Object

Provides information about an order item.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
ID GUID The unique ID of the order item.
FriendlyID number The friendly ID of the order item.
ProductID GUID The unique ID of the order item's product.
Quantity number The number of units of the product to be purchased in the order item.
Items SubOrderItemModel The component order items of the order item.
DeliveryMethod DeliveryMethod The selected delivery method of the order item.
DeliveryServiceID GUID The selected delivery service id of the order item.
Properties OrderItemPropertyModel The order item's property values.

ProductPriceModel : Object

Provides information about a product's price and tax.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Price number The price of the product excluding tax, in the store's primary currency.
Tax number The tax of the product, in the store's primary currency.

OrderItemPriceModel : Object

Provides information about an order item's price and tax.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Price ProductPriceModel The price of the order item. Includes delivery price. The value is undefined (equals null) if the user does not have permission to view the product price.
IsMinimumPrice boolean Indicates whether the price is the product's minimum price and not the actual price. The minimum price is returned when the actual price cannot be calculated. For an example, when a property does not have a valid value.
MailingFee number The price of mailing delivery of the order item.
ProductPrice number The price of the product. Does not include the delivery price.

OrderItemStatusModel : Object

Provides information about an order item's submission status.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
OrderItemID string The unique ID of the order item.
SubmittedDate date The date when the order item was submitted.

OrderApprovalModel : Object

Provides the order approval information.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
OriginalOrderFriendlyID number The friendly ID of the original order.
OriginalOrderID string The ID of the original order.

CartItemPropertyModel : Object

Provides information about a product's property for cart.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Name string The property name.
Value string The property value.
ComponentRange string Represents the page range when using a composite product.
ComponentName string The name of the component of the composite product.

ProductUnitTypeModel : Object

Provides information about a product unit type.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Name string The singular form of the product unit name (e.g. "Box", "Item", "Pack", "Piece").
PluralName string The plural form of the product unit name (e.g. "Boxes", "Items", "Packs", "Pieces").

ProductUnitModel : Object

Provides information about a product unit.
The unit can be a single item, multiple items or a pack of items.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
ItemQuantity number The number of items that make up the unit.
ItemType ProductUnitTypeModel The type of item.
PackType ProductUnitTypeModel The type of pack. The value is undefined (equals null) for units that are not sold in packs.

CartProductModel : Object

Provides information about a product.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
ProductID GUID The unique ID of the product.
Name string The name of the product.
CatalogNumber string The catalog number of the product. The value is undefined (equals null) if the user does not have permission to view the catalog number.
Unit ProductUnitModel Provides information about a product unit. The unit can be a single item, multiple items or a pack of items.
HasPricing boolean Indicates whether a price was defined for the product.

CartSubItemModel : Object

Provides information about the subitem of the cart item.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Product CartProductModel The product of the cart subitem.
Quantity number The quantity of units of the product per parent container.

CartItemThumbnailModel : Object

Provides information about the thumbnail of the cart item.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Url string The URL for providing file content of the image of the cart item.

AttributeModel : Object

Provides information about an attribute.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Name string The name of the attribute.
Value string The value of the attribute.

CartItemModel : Object

Provides information about the cart item.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
OrderItemID string The unique ID of the order item.
Product CartProductModel The product of the cart item.
Nickname string The nickname of the cart item.
Checked boolean Indicates whether the cart item is checked.
OriginalOrderFriendlyID number The friendly ID of original order. Can be null. It contains EncryptedOrderID (can be displayed in the UI) in case the orderItem was duplicated from an existing order.
EditUrl string The URL for editing the order item.
QuantityPerRecipient number The quantity of units of the product per recipient. Can be null in case of the dynamic product configured: Copies per record are based on "Value Defined in Process Job"
NumRecipients number The total number of the recipients.
Quantity number The number of units of the product to be purchased in the cart item.
Properties Array.<CartItemPropertyModel> The cart item's property values.
SubItems Array.<CartSubItemModel> The list of cart subitems of the cart item.
Thumbnail CartItemThumbnailModel The cart item thumbnail information.
ProofStatus ActivityStatus The cart item's proof status.
Attributes Array.<AttributeModel> The cart item's attributes.

CartModel : Object

Provides information about the cart of the user.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
OrderApproval OrderApprovalModel The order approval information. Can be null if there is no approval.
CheckoutUrl string The URL to the first page of the checkout wizard.
Items Array.<CartItemModel> The list of the items in the cart.
Description string The text that will be displayed in the Shopping Cart.
Activities Array Active background tasks of the current user, related to the shopping cart

ErrorModel : Object

Provides information about an error.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Type ErrorType The type of the error
Level ErrorLevel The level of the error
Message string The message of the error

CartItemValidationModel : Object

Provides information about an error of the order item.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
OrderItemID string The unique ID of the order item.
Error string The error details.

CartItemPriceModel : Object

Provides pricing information for a Shopping Cart item.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
OrderItemID GUID The unique ID of the order item.
Price number The price of the order item.
Tax number The tax of the order item.
IsChanged boolean Indicates whether the product price configuration has been changed
IsValid boolean Indicates whether the order item price is valid

CartPriceModel : Object

Provides pricing information for the Shopping Cart.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Items Array.<CartItemPriceModel> Provides pricing information for the Shopping Cart items.

CartItemUpdateModel : Object

Provides information that can be updated for the cart item.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
OrderItemID GUID The unique ID of the order item.
IsChecked boolean Indicates whether the item is marked in the cart. If null is specified, the value does not change, the original value is preserved.
Nickname string The nickname of the cart item. If null is specified, the value does not change, the original value is preserved.
ListID GUID The unique ID of the submission list.

WishListItemUpdateModel : Object

Provides information that can be updated for the wish list item.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Nickname string The nickname of the wish list item. If null is specified, the value does not change, the original value is preserved.

CartListCreateResponseModel : Object

Provides cart list DTO.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
ID GUID Cart list ID.
ExternalID string Cart list external ID.
Name string Cart name.
ExternalUrl string Cart list external URL.
ExportDate Date Cart list export date.
ModificationDate Date Cart list modification date.
SortingDate Date Cart list sorting date.

CartListDetailsModel : Object

Provides cart list DTO.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
ID GUID Cart list ID.
ExternalID string Cart list external ID.
Name string Cart list name.
ExternalUrl string Cart list external URL.
IsDeleted boolean Flag that indicate is cart list was deleted.
ExportDate Date Cart list export date.
ModificationDate Date Cart list modification date.
SortingDate Date Cart list sorting date.
ItemValidations Array.<CartItemValidationModel> Cart list's validation summary for the assigned order product(s).
ItemPrices Array.<CartItemPriceModel> Cart list's pricing info for the assigned order product(s).

CartListCreateModel : Object

Provides cart list model for create.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
Name string Cart list name. Required. Unique.
ExternalID string Cart list external ID. Optional.
ExternalUrl string Cart list external URL. Optional.

CartListModel : Object

Provides cart list DTO.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
ID GUID Cart list ID.
ExternalID string Cart list external ID.
Name string Cart list name.
ExternalUrl string Cart list external URL.
ExportDate Date Cart list export date.
ModificationDate Date Cart list modification date.
SortingDate Date Cart list sorting date.
ItemsCount number Amount of the order products assigned to the cart list.

CartListExportResponseModel : Object

Provides information that was took from the export cart web-hook.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
ExternalUrl string External URL from the cart export web-hook.
RedirectUrl string Redirect URL from the cart export web-hook.
ExportDate Date Export date from the cart export web-hook.

ActivityCreateResponseModel : Object

Provides the result of the activity creation.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
ActivityID GUID The unique ID of the activity

UserOrdersSummaryModel : Object

Provides a user's summary of orders.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
RejectedOrderCount number The number of rejected orders of the user.
PendingApprovalOrderCount number The number of orders pending for approval by the user.

FileInfoModel : Object

A representation of the file entity

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
FileName string The name of the file.
Size number The size of the file in KB, rounded up to the smallest following integer value.

OrderItemFileAttachmentPropertyModel : Object

Added/updated Dial Value for FileAttachment.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
FileInfoList Array.<FileInfoModel> Additional information on the file.
ID string The unique ID of the property.
Value Object The value of the property.

DeliveryServicesModel : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
Name string
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