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SCALPEL-Flattening is a library part of the SCALPEL3 framework, resulting from a research Partnership between École Polytechnique & Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie started in 2015 by Emmanuel Bacry and Stéphane Gaïffas. Since then, many research engineers and PhD students developed and used this framework to do research on SNDS data, the full list of contributors is available in This library, based on Apache Spark, denormalizes Système National des Données de Santé (SNDS) data to accelerate concept extraction when using SCALPEL-Extraction. Denormalization consists of several join operations and data compression, resulting in a big table representing SNDS databases, such as DCIR or PMSI.

Raw data issued by Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie (CNAM) (the data producer and maintainer), from their SQL databases, should be in CSV format, each CSV file representing a table. This library converts such tables to Apache Parquet files, compressing the data and adding schema information, and then joins them to product big compressed tables representing SNDS databases, such as DCIR or PMSI.

For example, DCIR contains several tables such as ER_PHA_F (drug deliverances) or ER_PRS_F (claims) stored as distinct CSV files. The flattening parses these files to produce a table for each of them, and then save them as Parquet files, to finally join them into a flat table, also saved as a Parquet file.

It is meant to be used on a cluster running Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop when working on large SNDS datasets. When working on smaller datasets, it can also be used in standalone mode, on a single server running Apache Spark, in which case it will use the local file system.

Important remark : This software is currently in alpha stage. It should be fairly stable, but the API might still change and the documentation is partial. We are currently doing our best to improve documentation coverage as quickly as possible.



Since the CSV format used for data delivery do not track any metadata or information about the types of the columns, two sets of parameters are required to run the Flattening:

  • Input tables schemas, to know beforehand which type of information is contained in their columns, and the date format, to parse it correctly. Schemas for DCIR and PMSI MCO databases are already available in this folder
  • The join keys for table join, as well as the names of the tables to be joined, the order in which they should be joined. As the joins are always left outer joins, it is recommended to put the largest table first in the list of tables to be joined.


The flattening performs two kinds of jobs:

  • Convert: applies the schema to the input CSV files, checking their consistency with the data, performing eventual type conversions and finally processing columns formats if necessary(for example: addMoleculeCombinationColumn in IR_PHA_R).
  • Join: performs the joins the many input tables to produce a single big table per database. The joins are performed over by time slices to ensure the scalability of this process. When all the slices are joined, they are concatenated to result in the desired flat table. The size of the time slice can be configured.

Due to the many left outer joins, denormalization is very likely to expand the data, resulting in tables with many lines. This is not an issue, as Apache Parquet data model allows us to store this kind of data efficiently, and Spark allows us to perform filtering very efficiently to fetch relevant information.

The Flattening process can be launched as separate Spark jobs, meaning that the user can launch Convert or Join individually, or Convert and Join together. This can be useful to avoid repeating jobs.


Once a job is finished, the converted tables or the denormalized tables are saved in the file system (local file system or HDFS) in Parquet format. The schema of the flat tables corresponds to the data types provided in the schema configuration files.

Note: if you are not sure, DO NOT change the table schema



To build a JAR from this repo, you will need SBT v. 0.13.15 (Scala Build Tool) & the assembly plugin for SBT. To build a JAR, just run the following commands:

git clone [email protected]:X-DataInitiative/SCALPEL-Flattening.git
cd SCALPEL-Flattening
sbt assembly

Configuration and environments

Configuration files are used to declare table schemas and to set up the joins structure. We provide a set of several default environments in the flattening (fall, cmap, test, etc) which can be used as starting points or examples. When running the flattening on your dataset, you can create a new environment containing your configuration files and override default settings bypassing the env=custom_env when submitting the Spark job (see example).

The default environments and their configuration files here, as well as configuration files templates.

You can add your own set of settings in the default configuration older and then register it in the main.conf configuration file.

A good example can be found in the tests, illustrating how DCIR flattening can be customized.

Using the default configurations of fall, which is the environment that we recommend to use in production, the final denormalized tables are built as follows :

Flat Table Single Table joined together

Note: Reference tables, such as IR_PHA_R, IR_BEN_R, IR_IMB_R, containing code mappings (for drugs, acts, diagnoses, etc) are not like other single tables accumulated year by year and are not forced to be included in the flattening for now. For example: IR_PHA_R can optionally be added to flattening. You can find an example configuration adding this table to the flattening Convert and Join


spark-submit \
  --driver-memory 40G \
  --executor-memory 110G \
  --class fr.polytechnique.cmap.cnam.flattening.FlatteningMain \
  --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=720 \
  --conf spark.task.maxFailures=20 \
  --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=20G \
  --conf spark.sql.broadcastTimeout=3600 \
  --conf spark.locality.wait=30s \
  /path/to/SCALPEL-Flattening/target/scala-2.11/SCALPEL-Flattening-assembly-1.1.jar env=fall conf=/path/config_file.conf meta_bin=/path/meta.bin

env is used to select an environments (fall, cmap, test) containing default configuration parameters. This parameter is required.

conf can be used to override some settings from the environment with your own values. This parameter is optional. If no configuration file is used, the Flattening will take default configurations set in env.

meta_bin should indicate a path used to store a binary log file containing information produced by the Convert job, which is then used by the Join job. It is optional when running FlatteningMain, but it is required when launching the two jobs separatly (see note below).

Note: To run only the CSV to Parquet conversion, just replace FlatteningMain by FlatteningMainConvert in this command. Same with FlatteningMainJoin if you want to run only the joins. In these 2 cases, using meta_bin is necessary, as it stores the intermediary information resulting from Convert, and Join MUST have this information to run. To run FlatteningMain, you don't need a meta_bin.

We recommend the spark parameters as below in order to improve the performance of Flattening, especially when flattening DCIR.

spark.driver.memory(--driver-memory) >= 40G

spark.executor.memory(--executor-memory) >= 110G

spark.driver.maxResultSize >= 20G

spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = (3-4) times of your cores

In the case of incremental flattening, before running CSV to Parquet conversion, you could just created a single table config including only one year and then only put it to your singletablerawset config; before running joins, you could set only new year to only_output in your flat table config. In this way, adding a new year data does not touch any other year data.


If you use a library part of SCALPEL3 in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations. You can use the following bibtex entry:

  title={SCALPEL3: a scalable open-source library for healthcare claims databases},
  author={Bacry, Emmanuel and Gaiffas, St{\'e}phane and Leroy, Fanny and Morel, Maryan and Nguyen, Dinh-Phong and Sebiat, Youcef and Sun, Dian},
  journal={International Journal of Medical Informatics},


Deprecated: this functionality is currently being moved to SCALPEL-Analysis

SCALPEL-Flattening provides tools to compute a set of statistics used to control the quality of the flattening result. It produces two types of statistics.

  • Descriptive, which helps to validate the flattening process.
  • Exploratory, which helps to validate the correctness of the data itself by looking at the distribution of data in the flat table per patient ID and per month-year.

Descriptive/Validation Statistics

It compares column values between two tables using a custom describe method producing statistics such as min, max, count, count_distinct, sum, sum_distinct, and avg. These statistics can be used to compare the results of two flattening jobs, as well as to compare statistics of the result of the flattening with the individual tables.

Descriptive statistics configuration

The format and default values of the configuration files for each environment can be found in this directory.

Descriptive statistics ssage

The run method in the *statistics.descriptive.StatisticsMain class orchestrates the descriptive statistics process. It can be invoked via spark-submit:

spark-submit \
  --executor-memory 100G \
  --class fr.polytechnique.cmap.cnam.statistics.descriptive.StatisticsMain \
  /path/to/SNIIRAM-flattening-assembly-1.0.jar env=fall conf=config_file.conf

Please note that the items in the file config_file.conf will override the default ones for a given environment.


For each flat table present in the configuration file, the results will be written as parquet files under the path specified in output_stat_path in the configuration file. Three tables will be written for each flat table:

  • ${output_stat_path}/flat_table: Contains the statistics for the flat table
  • ${output_stat_path}/single_tables: Contains the statistics for the columns of all listed single tables
  • ${output_stat_path}/diff: Contains the rows from the flat table statistics which have different values in the single_tables statistics (ideally it has to be empty).

Exploratory Statistics

It provides some useful numbers on the flattened table such as the number of lines and events (distinct on the event date, patient Id) per patient per month-year. It also checks the consistency of columns values between different tables such as patient Ids, birth, and death dates on DCIR, MCO, IR_BEN_R, and IR_IMB_R.

Exploratory Statistics Configuration

The *statistics.exploratory.StatisticsMain class takes values of the input and output path root as command-line arguments and extracts the needed path as follows.

Input Table Derived path
DCIR inputPathRoot + "/flat_table/DCIR"
PMSI_MCO inputPathRoot + "/flat_table/MCO"
IR_BEN_R inputPathRoot + "/single_table/IR_BEN_R"
IR_IMB_R inputPathRoot + "/single_table/IR_IMB_R"
Output Table Derived path
code consistency outputPathRoot + "/codeConsistency"
dcir count by patient outputPathRoot + "/dcirCountByPatient"
dcir count by patient and month outputPathRoot + "/dcirCountByPatientAndMonth"
dcir purchase count by month outputPathRoot + "/dcirPurchaseCountByMonth"
dcir purchase count by patient and month outputPathRoot + "/dcirPurchaseCountByPatientAndMonth"
mco count by patient outputPathRoot + "/mcoCountByPatient"
mco count by patient and month outputPathRoot + "/mcoCountByPatientAndMonth"
mco diag count by month outputPathRoot + "/mcoDiagCountByMonth"
mco diag count by patient and month outputPathRoot + "/mcoDiagCountByPatientAndMonth"

Exploratory Statistics Usage

The snippet below shows an invocation example

spark-submit \
  --executor-memory 100G \
  --class fr.polytechnique.cmap.cnam.statistics.exploratory.StatisticsMain \
  /path/to/SNIIRAM-flattening-assembly-1.0.jar inputPathRoot=/shared/Observapur/staging/Flattening \

Note that the variables env and conf are not used by this main class.

Exploratory Statistics Results

The results of the exploratory statistics can be visualized using this python notebook under scripts/descriptiveStatistics.ipynb