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v0.5.0 - Polish

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@simon-wh simon-wh released this 06 Aug 10:55
  • Rewrite Virtual Keyboard app using Iced.This allows you to emulate Analog input without needing a physical device for development. It's included with the .deb package but not with .msi at this time. It is available in each platform's .tar.gz under wrapper/sdk/wooting-analog-virutal-control
  • MacOS: The MacOS plugin path has been switched from /Library/WootingAnalogPlugins to /usr/local/share/WootingAnalogPlugins. So if you've manually installed on MacOS you'll need to adjust this path when updating. This is for streamlining the Homebrew packages for the Analog SDK that'll we'll be publishing soon to our own tap.
  • Windows: The updater has received some improvements including improved logging to help debugging potential issues, the log file will be located at %APPDATA%/wooting-analog-sdk/updater.log
  • Add WootingAnalogResult::DLLNotFound error to have a clear distinction between a function not being present and the SDK not being found. So this error should only be received if the wooting-analog-wrapper could not find the SDK installed on the system
  • Add initial version of a Rust interface for the Analog SDK. To use you can add wooting-analog-wrapper = { git = "", branch = "release/v0.5" } to your Cargo.toml dependencies for now until it's fully finished and published on
    • The main limitation currently with this interface is that the set_device_event_cb does not accept a closure yet (SoonTM) and takes a C function. But I hope to resolve this by the next release. See here for an example of using it.
    • There's a HIDCodes enum available which represents the default Keycode set used by the Analog SDK. It implements num_traits::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive} to be able to easily convert between the number and enum representation.
    • The [wooting-analog-wrapper/bin/]( serves as a decent usage example