Added TouchPortal Integration, Plugin and Example pages (Including one for Twitch Integrated Events!) and an HTTP Backend. Additionally, from now on MusicMate supports AutoUpdates and logging!
The example pages can be found in the touchportal folder in the repository.
1.1.0 - 2020-07-06
- Link metadata property added to songs. This is to store the source of the song, such as a spotify, youtube or other link.
- Touch Portal Integration & Example Pages. Including Twitch Integration Example. Requires TP 2.2+
- HTTP Backend API Service.
- New IPC calls for controlling and fetching data for HTTP service and TP plugin.
- New README files for various components and features.
- Auto Update.
- Logging to file. Can be found in %AppData%\music-mate\logs
- Song Model now has "Link" property. Retroactively, songs will have this field empty.
- Project Structure to support API server and TP integration plugin
- Tooltip on logo now displays the app version number.
- Auto Update will work from v1.1.0+ for Windows only.
- N/A
- Commented code regarding future features such as HTML file output and hardware acceleration.
- HTML file output will be attempted again.
- Hardware Acceleration toggle is in the far backlog. Issues were found with order of operations.