This extension contains Syntax highlighting
for Silverfin liquid. The syntax highlighting can be changed with different themes.
The extension also contains code snippets, to make programming Silverfin Liquid nice. There are even more code snippets than on Silverfins own editor, so there should be for anything your hearth desires´and the power of vscode there is not much more to ask for.
But wait there is more, a sidebar with different analysis tools to take you Silverfin Liquid code to the next level. Be aware that this is still WIP, but what is there should be working.
Well we can't stop there, so there is also hover description for all the tags, so you always can remember what have written. Be aware that this is still WIP, and only a few tags has this feature.
There is a known issue, that when you have more than one assign on one line, the sidebar will not place you correctly.
If you find any issues, plz open a ticket on the github repository.