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Setup Computer

Wintermute0110 edited this page Aug 30, 2017 · 1 revision

A detailed list of supported Retroarch cores is on the Libretro wiki. Also the Libretro super information files on Github.

Supported systems

Category System/Platform Release date DAT support
Computer Amstrad CPC 1984 ---
Computer Microsoft MSX 1983 No-Intro
Computer Microsoft MSX2 1985 No-Intro

Amstrad CPC


[Amstrad CPC Retroarch XML]( - Amstrad CPC - Retroarch.xml)

Microsoft MSX


  • blueMSX core INFO file. ROM extensions: rom, ri, mx1, mx2, col, dsk, sg, sc.
  • The libretro port of blueMSX requires the BIOS files from the full standalone package to be moved into the System/Machines folder to work. blueMSX download page.
  • fMSX core INFO file. ROM extensions: rom, mx1, mx2.
  • fMSX requires BIOS MSX.ROM (MD5 364a1a579fe5cb8dba54519bcfcdac0d) and BIOS MSX2.ROM (MD5 ec3a01c91f24fbddcbcab0ad301bc9ef) and BIOS MSX2EXT.ROM (MD5 2183c2aff17cf4297bdb496de78c2e8a) and BIOS MSX2P.ROM (MD5 847cc025ffae665487940ff2639540e5) and BIOS MSX2PEXT.ROM (MD5 7c8243c71d8f143b2531f01afa6a05dc).

[Microsoft MSX Retroarch XML]( - Microsoft MSX - Retroarch.xml)

Microsoft MSX2



  • blueMSX core INFO file. ROM extensions: rom, ri, mx1, mx2, col, dsk, sg, sc.
  • The libretro port of blueMSX requires the BIOS files from the full standalone package to be moved into the System/Machines folder to work. blueMSX download page.
  • fMSX core INFO file. ROM extensions: rom, mx1, mx2.
  • fMSX requires BIOS MSX.ROM (MD5 364a1a579fe5cb8dba54519bcfcdac0d) and BIOS MSX2.ROM (MD5 ec3a01c91f24fbddcbcab0ad301bc9ef) and BIOS MSX2EXT.ROM (MD5 2183c2aff17cf4297bdb496de78c2e8a) and BIOS MSX2P.ROM (MD5 847cc025ffae665487940ff2639540e5) and BIOS MSX2PEXT.ROM (MD5 7c8243c71d8f143b2531f01afa6a05dc).

[Microsoft MSX2 Retroarch XML]( - Microsoft MSX2 - Retroarch.xml)