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Wings ABI

Manual how to use Wings contracts ABI.

Table of contents


In this manual we will be using Node.js, web3 (^0.20.6) and truffle-contract to operate with contracts.

In order to use Wings contracts you need to have contracts ABI.
You can find all ABI files in the ./abi folder of this repository.

Here is an example how to initiate contract interface:

const contract = require('truffle-contract')
const Web3 = require('web3')

const wingsArtifact = require('./abi/Wings.json')

const Wings = contract(wingsArtifact)

Wings.setProvider(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(web3Provider))

Below is an example of initiating contract instance (and addresses of main Wings contracts):

const token ='0x667088b212ce3d06a1b553a7221E1fD19000d9aF') // mainnet wings Token contract address

const userStorage ='0x94B2F026A75BE2556C78A6D1f573bD79Fdfb1962') // mainnet wings User Storage contract address

const wings ='0x7ea8dc2b2b00b596d077b68f5c891e03797a5eb2') // mainnet Wings contract address

const dao ='0xd6635f49a306b015c55bd1ff878e2c2c8413f247') // this is an example, not the real address
// To get DAO address head to the project on which you would like to forecast and get the address from the url:
// 0xd6635f49a306b015c55bd1ff878e2c2c8413f247 <-- is DAO address

const forecastingAddress = (await

const forecasting =

Creating a project for valuation forecast

First of all you have to have enough wings on your account for wings deposit (we will refer to your account as creator in this step by step tutorial).

1. Create DAO

First step in project creation process is creating a DAO. DAO is a main contract in your project hierarchy.

Wings Integration with custom crowdsale contract

In case you want to create and use custom crowdsale contract you will need to perform integration with wings.

Currently there are two supported types of integration:

NOTE: In case you've chosen Wings Full Integration you should complete integration guide and deploy your crowdsale before DAO creation.

Important: Integration is responsible step and in case of having any doubts or questions please contact Wings team for help.


When you have enough wings on your account balance, call method approve on wings Token contract to give the Wings contract ability to transfer deposit.

const wingsTokenAddress = '0x667088b212ce3d06a1b553a7221E1fD19000d9aF' // mainnet wings Token contract address

const wingsToken =

await wingsToken.approve(wingsAddress, wingsDeposit, { from: creator })


  • wingsAddress - address of Wings contract (can be found above)
  • wingsDeposit - amount of wings to be locked in order to create project. Currently is 200 Wings.


After successful approval, call the method createDAO on Wings contract instance.

await wings.createDAO(name, tokenName, tokenSymbol, infoHash, customCrowdsale, { from: creator })


  • name - string - name of your project
  • tokenName - string - name of project token. Optional, default: ''
  • tokenSymbol - string - symbol of project token. Optional, default: ''
  • infoHash - bytes32 - decoded ipfs hash of project description.
  • customCrowdsale - address - address of custom crowdsale (0 in case of standard crowdsale/wings light bridge)

Uploading your project description and media to ipfs

Head to Media file format paragraph in the Appendix section.

Warning: Ipfs file can contain malicious code which means that everyone developing and using this data must sanitize it.

Generating infoHash

Ipfs hash is using the same Base58 encoding that Bitcoin uses. To fit ipfs hash into infoHash we first will need to decode it.


const bs58 = require('bs58')

const ipfsAddress = 'QmYwAPJzv5CZsnA625s3Xf2nemtYgPpHdWEz79ojWnPbdG'

let bytes = bs58.decode(ipfsAddress).toString('hex')

// As for now that's the only format that ipfs uses, so we can just cut the first two bytes

const infoHash = '0x' + bytes.substring(4)

2. Get DAO address

When DAO is created you can find it's address by calling Wings contract. As an argument you will have to pass keccak256 encrypted name of the project (same as the one you used during DAO creation).

const daoId = web3.sha3(name)

const daoAddress = (await


  • name - string - name of your project

2.1 Create Wings Light Bridge

Required stage: initial

In case you are going to use simple integration for your custom crowdsale, during this step you need to create Bridge.

await dao.createBridge(projectToken, minimalGoal, hardCap, startTimestamp, endTimestamp, { from: creator })


  • projectToken - address - project token contract address. Optional.
  • minimalGoal - uint256 - minimal goal of crowdsale. Optional.
  • hardCap - uint256 - hard cap of crowdsale. Optional.
  • startTimestamp - uint256 - unix timestamp of the start of crowdsale. Optional.
  • endTimestamp - uint256 - unix timestamp of the end of crowdsale. Optional.

2.1.1 Communication with Wings Light Bridge

Get address of Bridge.

const bridgeAddress = await

More thorough guide for Wings Light Bridge can be found here.

3. Create Rewards Model

Required stage: initial

When you have DAO address, you can initiate a contract instance by address and create rewards model.

const dao =

await dao.createModel({ from: creator })

4. Create Forecasting

Required stage: model created

When rewards model is created you can create a forecasting.

await dao.createForecasting(forecastingDurationInHours, ethRewardPart, tokenRewardPart, { from: creator })


  • forecastingDurationInHours - uint256 - duration of forecasting in hours (from 120 to 360 hours)


  • reward percent must be multiplied by 10000 (Example: reward is 1.5% the argument must be passed as 15000)
  • reward part must be less then 1000000 (100% * 10000)
  • tokenRewardPart must be greater than zero

5. Start Forecasting

Required stage: forecasting created

When the model and forecasting are created you can start forecasting.

await dao.startForecasting(bucketMin, bucketMax, bucketStep, { from: creator })


  • bucketMin - uint256 - minimal bucket
  • bucketMax - uint256 - maximal bucket
  • bucketStep - uint256 - bucket step

Calculate buckets

The following code demonstrates the algorithm of buckets calculation.

const ONE_ETH = new BigNumber('1000000000000000000')
const STEPS_IN_GOAL = 100

const weiGoal = new BigNumber(web3.toWei(goal, 'ether'))

let bucketMin, bucketStep, bucketMax

let ethGoal = Number(weiGoal.div(ONE_ETH).floor())

if (ethGoal < STEPS_IN_GOAL) {
  ethGoal = STEPS_IN_GOAL

if (ethGoal < STEPS_IN_GOAL*1.1) {
  bucketMin = ONE_ETH
  bucketStep = ONE_ETH
  bucketMax = ONE_ETH.mul(STEPS_IN_MAX_AMOUNT)
} else {
  let e = Math.floor((ethGoal / (STEPS_IN_GOAL + 1)));
  let p = Math.floor(Math.log10(e));
  let c = Math.floor(Math.pow(10, p));
  let d = Math.floor((e / c));

  if (d < 2) d = 2;
  else if (d < 5) d = 5;
  else d = 10;

  bucketStep = ONE_ETH.mul(d).mul(c)
  bucketMin = bucketStep
  bucketMax = bucketStep.mul(STEPS_IN_MAX_AMOUNT)

6. Finish Forecasting

Required stage: forecasting started

After forecasting period you can close forecasting. This will automatically check forecasting for spam.

await dao.closeForecasting({ from: creator })

Note that after forecasting end you will have 45 days to start your crowdsale.

In case you are using Custom Crowdsale or Wings Light Bridge, skip step 7 and head to the step 8.1.

7. Create token

Required stage: forecasting closed

When forecasting is closed you can create your project token. It will have the tokenName and a tokenSymbol which you used during DAO creation process.

await dao.createToken(decimals, { from: creator })


  • decimals - uint8 - project token decimals

8. Create Crowdsale

Required stage: token created

When token is created you can create crowdsale.

await dao.createCrowdsale(minimalGoal, hardCap, prices1to4, prices5to8, { from: creator })


  • minimalGoal - uint256 - soft cap of crowdsale (in Wei)
  • hardCap - uint256 - hard cap of crowdsale (in Wei)
  • prices1to4 - uint256 - packed prices
  • prices5to8 - uint256 - packed prices

Calculate and pack prices

You can create up to 7 price periods, which will be packed into two uint256 values.

prices is an array of price bonus objects.

interface PriceBonus {
  price: number
  durationDays: string
  durationHours: string
  durationMinutes: string
  duration: any
  isEdit: boolean
  errorText: string,
  durationErrorText: string

You will need to install and include module [email protected].

Here is a script with simple example of prices array:

NOTE: PriceBonus objects start from the start of the array, hence PriceBonus.price must be decreasing while array index increases.

  Here are variables which you need to prepare:

// PriceBonus[]
const prices = [{
  price: '50', // means 50% bonus
  durationDays: '5',
  durationHours: '0', // 0-23
  durationMinutes: '0', // 0-59
  duration: '',
  isEdit: false,
  errorText: '',
  durationErrorText: ''

// Amount of integer tokens per ETH
const tokenPrice = 100

/*----------------------------------- script -----------------------------------*/
const convertPrices = async (prices, tokenPrice) => {
  let result

  const priceChanges = [] // PriceChange[]
  for(const price of prices) {
    const value = new BigNumber(new BigNumber(price.price).mul(tokenPrice).div(100).plus(tokenPrice).toFixed(0))
      price: value,
      duration: bonusDurationToSeconds(price)

  const lastPrice = { // PriceChange
    price: new BigNumber(tokenPrice),
    duration: 1


  result = await packPrices(priceChanges)
  return result

const bonusDurationToSeconds = (priceBonus) => {
  return parseInt(priceBonus.durationDays) * 86400 + parseInt(priceBonus.durationHours) * 3600 + parseInt(priceBonus.durationMinutes) * 60

const packPrices = async (changes) => {
  const len = changes.length

  if (len > 8) {
    throw new Error('Price changes cant contain more then 8 items')

  const results = [new BigNumber(0), new BigNumber(0)]
  let i

  if (len > 0) {
    for (i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
      if (i >= len) continue
      results[0] = results[0].shift(14).add(packSingle(changes[i]))

  if (len > 4) {
    for (i = 7; i >= 4; --i) {
      if (i >= len) continue
      results[1] = results[1].shift(14).add(packSingle(changes[i]))

  return results

const packSingle = (change) => {
  const PACK_MAX = 10000000

  if (change.price.lessThanOrEqualTo(0) || change.price.greaterThanOrEqualTo(PACK_MAX)) {
    throw new Error(`Price out of range: ${change.price.toString(10)}`)

  if (change.duration <= 0 || change.duration >= PACK_MAX) {
    throw new Error(`Duration out of range: ${change.duration}`)

  return new BigNumber(change.duration).shift(7).add(change.price)
/*----------------------------------- script -----------------------------------*/

// We launch our script here
convertPrices(prices, tokenPrice).then((result) => {
  // Here are two variables which you'll need to pass as arguments to `createCrowdale` method (either BigNumber or string)
  let prices1to4 = result[0].toString(10)
  let prices5to8 = result[1].toString(10)

8.1. Create Custom Crowdsale

Required stage: forecasting closed

When forecasting is closed you need to call method createCustomCrowdsale.
This and following steps are required in order to finalise forecasting and reward wings community.

await dao.createCustomCrowdsale({ from: creator })

NOTE: During this step the manager of the Crowdsale will be transferred to a newly created Crowdsale Controller.

9. Get address of Crowdsale Controller

In order to start crowdsale you'll need to find the address of Crowdsale Controller, which is the contract created during the previous step.

const ccAddress = (await

10. Start Crowdsale

When you have Crowdsale Controller address, initiate a contract instance and call the method start.

const cc =

await cc.start(startTimestamp, endTimestamp, fundingAddress, { from: creator })


  • startTimestamp - uint256 - unix timestamp of the start of crowdsale period
  • endTimestamp - uint256 - unix timestamp of the end of crowdsale period
  • fundingAddress - address - address of account, which will receive funds, collected during crowdsale period

11. Finish crowdsale (prepare to give rewards)

To finish crowdsale and prepare to give rewards make the following call.

await cc.closeForecasting({ from: creator })


  • requires crowdsale to be either in failed or successful state
  • can be called by any user

Additional functions


This DAO method allows you to set/change rewards percent.

await dao.setRewardsParts(ethRewardPart, tokenRewardPart, { from: creator })


  • ethRewardPart - uint256 - reward percent of total collected Ether
  • tokenRewardPart - uint256 - reward percent of total sold tokens


  • reward percent must be multiplied by 10000 (Example: reward is 1.5% the argument must be passed as 15000)
  • reward part must be less then 1000000 (100% * 10000)
  • tokenRewardPart must be greater than zero
  • if you are changing reward parts the new parts must be greater or equal to the old parts


This DAO method allows you to change project description during forecasting period.

await dao.update(infoHash, { from: creator })


  • infoHash - bytes32 - decoded ipfs hash of updated project description


This DAO method stops the DAO in any state.

await dao.stop({ from: creator })

In case of the stop the wingsDeposit will be returned only if forecasting hasn't started.


Media file format

File that contains project media has to be in JSON format.


  "version": "1.0.0",
  "shortBlurb": "My short project description",
  "story": "{\"ops\": [{\"insert\":\"test\"},{\"insert\":{\"video\":\"\"}}]}",
  "category": 1,
  "gallery": [
      "type": "logo",
      "content": {
        "contentType": "image/png",
        "hash": "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t"
      "type": "video",
      "content": {
        "videoId": "CXo7i_gdNR0",
        "videoType": "youtube"
      "type": "image",
      "content": {
        "contentType": "image/jpeg",
        "hash": "0x38134191b4b59736d5174cdd0846bb8bafdf01fbfe013ead08ca133f13e23e59"
      "type": "terms",
      "content": {
        "hash": "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t"


  "$id": "",
  "type": "object",
  "definitions": {},
  "$schema": "",
  "properties": {
    "version": {
      "$id": "/properties/version",
      "type": "string"
    "shortBlurb": {
      "$id": "/properties/shortBlurb",
      "type": "string"
    "story": {
      "$id": "/properties/story",
      "type": "string"
    "category": {
      "$id": "/properties/category",
      "type": "integer"
    "forecastingCurrency": {
        "id": "/properties/forecastingCurrency",
        "type": "integer"
    "customContract": {
        "id": "/properties/customContract",
        "type": "bool"
    "gallery": {
      "$id": "/properties/gallery",
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "$id": "/properties/gallery/items",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "type": {
            "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/type",
            "type": "string"
          // "type:" "logo"
          "content": {
            "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content",
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "contentType": {
                "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content/properties/contentType",
                "type": "string"
              "hash": {
                "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content/properties/hash",
                "type": "string"
          // "type:" "video"
          "content": {
            "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content",
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "videoId": {
                "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content/properties/videoId",
                "type": "string"
              "videoType": {
                "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content/properties/videoType",
                "type": "string"
          // "type:" "image"
          "content": {
            "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content",
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "contentType": {
                "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content/properties/contentType",
                "type": "string"
              "hash": {
                "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content/properties/hash",
                "type": "string"
          // "type:" "terms"
          "content": {
            "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content",
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "hash": {
                "$id": "/properties/gallery/items/properties/content/properties/hash",
                "type": "string"

To better understand parameters let's prepare full list:

  • version - version of media file (means version of media file schema).
  • shortBlurb - short description of project, string. Maximum 140 characters.
  • story - description of project in Delta format (see the example below).
  • category - id of category (see Categories below).
  • forecastingCurrency - id of forecasting currency (0: ETH, 1: USD, 2: EUR).
  • customContract - whether project will use custom contract or not.
  • gallery - gallery description of project.
  • gallery/*/contentType - type of content. Options: video, image, logo, terms.
  • gallery/video/content/videoId - id of video from video hosting.
  • gallery/video/content/videoType - type of video hosting. Options: youtube, vimeo, youku.
  • gallery/image/content/hash - ipfs hash of image uploaded to ipfs.
  • gallery/logo/content/contentType - type of image format. Options: image/png, image/jpg.
  • gallery/logo/content/hash - ipfs hash of logo uploaded to ipfs. Only jpg/png allowed; size < 1 mb.
  • gallery/terms/content/hash - ipfs hash of terms uploaded to ipfs. Only pdf allowed; size < 1 mb.

How to use Delta module to generate story:

const Delta = require('quill-delta')

const delta = new Delta([
  { insert: 'test' },
  { insert: { video: '' } }

// "{\"ops\":[{\"insert\":\"test\"},{\"insert\":{\"video\":\"\"}}]}"


To get up-to-date list of categories use our public API.

Making a forecast

This step by step tutorial will walkthrough from the beginning, assuming you already have wings tokens, but didn't reserve or lock any of them. We will refer to forecaster address as forecaster.

1. Approve wings amount to reserve

In order to reserve wings give User Storage permission to transfer wings.

await token.approve(userStorage.address, amount, {
  from: forecaster


  • amount - uint256 - amount of wings tokens to reserve

2. Reserve wings

After the approval, you can reserve wings. Reserved wings will become locked wings after you'll make a forecast.

await userStorage.reserveWings(
    from: forecaster

3. Add account address to DAO

When making new forecast the first step is to add your account address to DAO.

const daoId = (await

await wings.addForecasterToDAO(daoId, {
  from: forecaster

4. Place forecast

After your account address was added to DAO you can place your forecast.

await forecasting.addForecast(
    from: forecaster


  • forecast - uint256 - forecasted amount
  • messageHash - bytes32 - ipfs hash of message (message is a buffered string)

Important: If you want to reject the project (flag it as spam/scam) you need to set forecast amount to 0.

Additional methods

Change forecast

When your forecast is already placed you can change/update it.

await forecasting.changeForecast(
    from: forecaster


  • forecast - uint256 - forecasted amount
  • messageHash - bytes32 - ipfs hash of message (message is a buffered string)

Close/Cancel forecast

Depending on the stage of the forecasting you can either close or cancel forecast.

You can close forecast in following scenarios:

  • project was stopped by owner;
  • project was rejected by community;
  • crowdsale deadline missed;
  • after crowdsale period;

You can cancel forecast from the beginning of the forecasting and to the end of crowdsale period.

NOTE: closeForecast is capable of performing both actions, hence it will automatically identify which one to perform depending on the current state of forecasting

await forecasting.closeForecast({ from: forecaster })

Release WINGS

Important: To release WINGS tokens the account must have 0 active forecasts.

await userStorage.releaseWings(amount, { from: forecaster })


  • amount - amount of tokens to release.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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