A library that implements the API of .NET Standard specification on Microsoft Windows CE platform.
Install the NuGet package
The naming of classes that extends existing types are the same but appended '2' digit, as Activator2
and Int322
Instance methods are implemented using extension methods and class methods as static method.
using System;
// Lesser disruptive way for a code that needs to be compatible
// with multiple platforms
#if !WindowsCE
using static System.Int32;
using static System.Int322;
namespace Tests
static class Program
static void Main(string[])
int result;
// Calls System.Int322.TryParse for Windows CE platforms
// or calls System.Int32.TryParse for others
if (!TryParse("123", NumberStyles.None, null, out result))
System.Console.WriteLine("Could not parse provided string");
System.Console.WriteLine("The provided string could be parsed");
const string text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
string croppedText = text.Remove(11); // <-- Extension method
System.Console.WriteLine("The text after processing: {0}", croppedText);
The API that is not supported on Microsoft Windows CE platform throw PlatformNotSupportedException
exception when called
and are marked as deprecated using ObsoleteAttribute