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train07 edited this page Feb 6, 2012 · 6 revisions

There are multiple different Git branches that you'll be working with. Here's a quick guide to managing them!


Stable should never be coded in, except for 1 case: hotfixes. When you have a bug that needs to be fixed quickly, it's faster to code directly in stable and deploy from there. Make sure that you never break stable - it's your only hope, young padawan.

Therefore, only the Git Admin is allowed to code within stable. (Fraser for now)

Whenever a code change is made in stable, it always needs to be merged down into master.

Tips: On stable,

git push origin stable

git checkout master

git merge stable

-- Sort through conflicts --

git commit -a (Use default message)

git push origin master

When you feel that code in master is ready to go live, do the following steps:

git checkout master (switch to master)

git pull origin master (get all updates)


You don't want to pollute stable incase anything is broken. Watch the logs for a day or so. If everything looks good, select the commits you deployed live and merge them into stable. DON'T FORGET TO MERGE THESE COMMITS INTO STABLE!


No one should ever code in Master - EVER.

Personal Branches

Everyone should code in personal branches to keep their changes separate. When a feature has been completed and thoroughly tested, they can submit a GitHub Pull Request to merge it into master.


To Make a New Branch (as a copy of branch X)

git branch new-branch-name X

**To switch to it: **

git checkout new-branch-name

To add branch to remote repo:

git push origin new-branch-name

To Delete a Local Branch

First, switch off it otherwise Git will complain!

Then, git branch -d branch-name

To Delete a Remote Branch (a local branch that was deleted should be removed from remote repo)

git checkout :branch-name