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playfulpachyderm edited this page Oct 6, 2014 · 118 revisions

At Willet, we like to reward folks, and recognize milestones. As such, we have the Hall of Fame for interesting and exciting achievements.

  • Achievements: in the style of XBox achievements, or PS3 Trophies.
  • Willet Stickers: Awarded for outstanding efforts.
  • Records: Company-wide feats.
  • WTFs: Examples of bizarre code that has been written.
  • Pull Requests: Special pull request ids that have been reached.


Name Users Description
What makes a man turn neutral? nt3rp Submitted a pull request with equal additions and deletions
$200 slannigan, 1337, grigoryk Get no comments other than a "pass" for a PR(>100)
Raptor Jesus al-sudani Get more comments than (lines of) changes for a PR
We'll do it live nt3rp Have five of your hotfixes merged in a row.
Dear Leader is Best leader nt3rp Say "pass" on your own PR. ("Here in North Korea, I rule with an iron fist")
Right here, Right now nt3rp,ktsimpso Deploy a new version on a Friday afternoon.
Zero fucks alexblack Deploy a new version on a Friday afternoon... and have it remain broken for the rest of the week.
World's most dangerous man ktsimpso Deploy A version on a Friday afternoon AND have the same deployment last the weekend with no fixes
Deployment ante Christo Deploy a new version on a Sunday morning.
Not sure if... TerranceN,1337 Have your PR open and unmerged for half a year.
Most Beautiful PR grigoryk The never ending quest for Mediocrity. Current leader.
I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym nt3rp Create a pull request that nullifies/fixes the feature/bug it creates/causes.
Meta king 1337 Create 50 achievements.
Meta god 1337 Create a pull request with a number related to its changes.
North Korea is Best Korea Close a PR with > 200,000 deletions.
Eureka! Replace a 3rd-party library with <5 lines of code (<80 chars per line).
SecondFunnel Sneak in an easter egg in a PR to dev, and have it pass undetected until it gets merged to master.
SecondFunnel nt3rp, 1337 Cut number of EC2 instances in half with no apparent increase in load time.
WET Follow the Write Everything Twice (or We Enjoy Typing) principle by introducing a feature PR with no code reuse.
Propane and propane accessories Do something once, and the same thing again, but in a different code base, and no copy/pasting.
Stallman's child Open source some of the source in GPLv3 (with permission)
Flash 1337, ktsimpso, kordex0 Open your PR, and have someone else pass it within 3 minutes.
Classic Kyle Open your PR, and have someone else close it within 3 minutes.
Cap Trap nt3rp Open a PR on a public holiday.
Crap Tap Accidentally merge in the wrong PR from a mobile device.
I love decorating Introduce a feature PR with only addition of decorators.
Boo decorating Submit a PR that only removes decorators, to fix a problem caused by decorators.
Kentuckified Somehow create a PR that makes the code relevant to KFC (franchise, or menu item).
Once upon a time Fix a bug created two years ago (in own code or any library used)
I am the chosen one 1337, al-sudani Merge, into dev, a branch with your name in it.
Almost there Have someone pass your PR without noticing that you forgot to git add an essential file.
Blast Assist hkpeprah Submit a PR with more fixes (>1) than you knew it will solve. Alternately, fix two or more bugs with one PR, only one of which originally assigned to you.
Hey guys, I'm feeling a lot better now Get a pass on your PR after 10 consecutive rejections and reopens on the same PR.
Who would've known! Fix that problem nobody knew about. (cannot be your own problem)
Big Cheese nt3rp, 1337, AlexRiedler Push to master like it's yours. (don't do it on purpose)
World coder Work on all of our code repositories.
Multiple choice (A) slannigan As a UI/UX designer, commit to a code repository.
Multiple choice (B) As a developer, save a working .psd or .ai file into the company Dropbox folder.
HA! Memory IS RAM! Eliminate a source of memory leak.
Nothing can possibly go wrong al-sudani, 1337, ktsimpso Deploy while holding a beer.^
Hold my beer 1337, al-sudani, ktsimpso Deploy while someone else is holding your beer.^
"Made in Britain" Commit from overseas. Then have the code fail.
Universally helpful Correct someone else's PR by linking to your own, accepted Stack Overflow answer.
Back in my days, these were 7 bits nt3rp, 1337, ktsimpso Fix a problem caused by one character.
I told you it is memcache 1337 (March 2014) Fix a problem, without deploying, by flushing the memcache.
[Have you tried turning it off and on again?] ( DrTeePot Fix a problem, without deploying, by restarting the instance / app server.
Classic Winger After a month-long "court case"-style discussion on a PR, have your PR merged into dev.
The Zeigarnik effect Open a pull request with the assumption that your work was complete.
The placebo effect 1337 Open a pull request that causes physical pain to two or more of your coworkers.
I can has cheezburger Push something with a lolcommit.
So lazy, Much CPU, Such pilferage Wow al-sudani, 1337 Mine Dogecoin with company property.
Trend setter AlexRiedler (:+1:), ktsimpso (@here) Do one thing; everyone follows.
Jackpot Get the same PR number for three or more repositories. For PR numbers above 100, you can also include public repositories.
The best code... IN THE WORLD Have your block of code (a 50+-line class or function) used in production, without any changes made to it for six consecutive months
The fastest code... IN THE WORLD Speed up a task/process by ten times. To get this achievement, said task must not have been intentionally slowed down.
Huehuehuehue 1337, ktsimpso Reference anyone's mother in a commit message.
She won't fit in 79 chars Reference anyone's mother in a PEP8 line length violation.
Jesus is a feature, not a bug ktsimpso Revive a cancelled functionality by means of reverting git commits. Must not be the commit immediately before HEAD. Re-implementing it does not count.
Everything is awesome Have your PR merged and remain HEAD for the deployment branch for two consecutive weeks.
Mr./Mrs. Sysadmin Either die a hero, or live long enough to hear yourself explain to your boss that "it was a replication issue".
Do you have a Sobeys card? Create a PR using a hotfix branch with any number representing a produce, with any one of its commits being the produce's name.
Do you have an Optimum card? Create a PR with more commits than number of lines changed
The only winning move is not to play 1337 Accidentally delete the master branch


Most comments per pull request: 201 (community effort) 89 (grigoryk) 53 (grigoryk) 29 (TerranceN)
Largest pull request (additions + deletions): 26957 (community effort) 20922 ([grigoryk](

Shortest pull request: 1 addition, 0 deletions, 63 characters (TerranceN)

Shortest unmerged pull request: 0 additions, 0 deletions, 0 characters (nt3rp)


Coming Soon

ID User Description
1 BarbaraEMac, TerranceN, kordex0, 1337 Number 1!
2 BarbaraEMac, TerranceN, kordex0, nt3rp 2^1
4 mrmch, TerranceN, kordex0, 1337 2^2
8 BarbaraEMac, nt3rp, kordex0, 1337 2^3
10 mrmch, TerranceN, kordex0, AlexRiedler Binary 2
11 mrmch, TerranceN, kordex0, AlexRiedler Binary 3
16 BarbaraEMac, TerranceN, kordex0, nt3rp 2^4
32 1337, TerranceN, ianLeslie2, AlexRiedler 2^5
42 1337, grigoryk, ianLeslie2, 1337 The Answer
64 nt3rp, TerranceN, nealclark, hkpeprah 2^6
79 fraserharris, grigoryk, AlexRiedler A lucky prime!
100 nt3rp, grigoryk, kordex0 Binary 4
101 fraserharris, grigoryk, kordex0 Binary 5
110 fraserharris, 1337, kordex0 Binary 6
111 nt3rp, 1337, kordex0 Binary 7
123 1337, nt3rp Lyrics from a song
128 nt3rp, 1337 2^7
150 fraserharris, grigoryk Gotta catch 'em all! (Gen 1)
151 nt3rp, 1337 Catch ALL the Pokemon! (Gen 1)
200 slannigan, hkprepah
222 nt3rp, hkprepah
234 1337, nt3rp
256 nt3rp, 1337 2^8
300 1337, nt3rp This is madness
314 nt3rp, 1337 Pi
333 1337, him again
345 1337, AlexRiedler
360 nt3rp, 1337 You spin me right round
365 nt3rp, hkprepah
400 nt3rp, 1337
404 fraserharris, 1337 Achievement Not Found
444 nt3rp
455 kordex0
456 hkpeprah
500 hkpeprah
512 nt3rp 2^9
555 hkpeprah
567 kordex0
600 1337
624 1337 Tau
640 kordex0 (This many PRs) ought to be enough for everybody
654 1337
666 hkpeprah It's hot in here
678 nt3rp
700 nt3rp Permissions Police
711 ktsimpso One in every corner
755 1337 Executable
765 ktsimpso
768 nt3rp
777 nt3rp We've reached series B!
789 DrTeePot
800 1337
824 1337 My PIN
876 ktsimpso
888 nt3rp
900 ktsimpso
911 nt3rp
987 DrTeePot
999 1337 You berk!
1000 ktsimpso Granddaddy
1024 1337 2^10
1100 1337 12 in binary
1101 1337 13 in binary
1110 DrTeePot 14 in binary
1111 ktsimpso 15 in binary
1234 1337 Look Ma' I can count
1337 playful.pachyderm Meta recursion
1500 Consolation prize
2000 2000 in base 10
10000 16 in binary

^ per HR policy #1, you're not required to drink it

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