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Development setup

Lina edited this page Mar 16, 2023 · 3 revisions

A possible workflow is to update the code of WiMoVE and use the script scripts/ to build it. Install the resultig package on an access point. This can be pretty time consuming for many small changes. After following this guide, you can compile WiMoVE directly for your host system. Currently compiling hostapd for your host system is only possible on Linux.

Setup hostapd

  1. The build of hostapd has to support vlans. Check this if you encounter issues with your installation.
  2. Use the sample config in sample-configs/development/hostapd.conf.
  3. Replace the placeholder values in the config.
  4. Create a file /etc/hostapd/hostapd.vlan with the content:
*   vlan#
  1. Restart hostapd.

Build WiMoVE yourself

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install libnl, libnl-route Repo and prometheus-cpp Repo. The best installation method for those dependencies depends on your platform. For many platforms packages for libnl and libnl-route might be provided. prometheus-cpp has to be built according to the README.
  3. Build the project by running cmake . followed by make -j$(nproc).
  4. You now have the WiMoVE binary for your architecture.

This binary probably won't work on your access point because it has a different architecture. You have to use cross compiling to get a compatible binary.


Format the source files by running

find src -iname *.h -o -iname *.cpp | xargs clang-format -i
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