After digging around in Chromium Code Search, we have found that the CR50 is far more rate limited than we expected, and it just lies about it. This means that CRSH1TTY most likely will NOT work at all, and all hope is lost.
Disable WP on CR50 devices without opening it, just requires a chromebook in devmode and a ton of time. If you get an auth code, create an issue with the related info, or even better, send a DM to @crossystem or @thetechfrog on discord
Before you say that this is stupid and it ain't gonna work, this was meant for people that lack the skills to disable WP or just can't (yes, people can't open up their chromebook). Also, if it's going to make your chromebook laggy just leave it on standby. It's better to bruteforce the code then just not do anything. The exploit is literally dubbed "CRSH1TTY - The exploit for the truly desperate", deal with it.
On a Chromebook with WP and WIFI ON run
cd /home/chronos/user/Downloads && curl -Lk -o ./ && bash ./
in a root shell
We do not have an auth code as of right now, and we are hoping that opening this up to the public will help us find more codes. This is not the final product, just a beta! Also, don't bother reporting this to Google as they won't care.
(note: we have a single auth code, however, it was not generated by us, and was found online by TheTechFrog)
crossystem - developing the bruteforcer, testing, pioneering the idea of using RMA unlocks, researching the CR50 and RMA unlock, creating Whelement, writes all of the comments
TheTechFrog / TheSpiritOfDark - building shims, implimenting the brute forcer into shims, also researching the CR50 and RMA unlock, maintaining the github, looking into alternate methods of CRSH1TTY
CoolObivion759 - testing, researching, creating Whale, Inc. (Whelement members are not associated with wh4le in any way, shape, or form)
Windows XP - The logo for CRSH1TTY
boeing 747 - emotional support and motivation
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