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A library for extracting mathematical expressions from arXiv publications.


  • Lukas Pfahler, Jonathan Schill, and Katharina Morik. "The Search for Equations–Learning to Identify Similarities between Mathematical Expressions." Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Springer, Cham, 2019.
  • Lukas Pfahler and Katharina Morik. "Semantic Search in Millions of Equations", Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2020


Download the repository from Set your current working directory to the root path of the repository folder where the file is located. Install the module with

git clone
cd arxiv_library
pip install .

Additionally the library requires Node.js and the node module katex to be installed. You can download Node.js at and choose the respective installer for your os. The command

npm install -g yargs katex

installs the katex module, once Node.js is installed.


If the module has been installed with pip, you can import the module like any other python module. Also this shell command can be called from anywhere:

equation-extractor </path/to/tar-archives> </path/to/output_dir> [--fulltext]

</path/to/tar-archives> should contain the tar-archives with the raw data. A tar-archive is organized as follows: One tar arxiv (e. g. "arXiv_src_1503_007.tar") contains the sources for multiple papers from March 2015. One member of the tar-archive represents one publication and can be of three different types:

  • A single gzip compressed tex-file
  • A tar.gz archive
  • A gzip compressed pdf

The pipeline extracts the archives and continues to process the retrieved papers. At the end of the pipeline we get a dictionary (paper-dict) for each paper that contains the formulas that could be extracted (in LaTeX and in MathML format), and some meta data like author, arXiv-category etc. The extracted formulas are organized section wise.

The paper-dicts are stored in json-files in the </path/to/output_dir>.

--fulltext is an optional flag. If this flag is set, the paper's content will be stored in the paper dict with key "paper".


Pipeline modules:

EXTRACTION      comments	    filedict -> filedict
                imports		    filedict -> paperdict {paper: str}
                preamble	    paperdict -> paperdict {preamble: str, paper: str}
                sections	    paperdict -> paperdict {.. sections: list}
                equations	    paperdict -> paperdict {.. sections: {latex: str, equations: [equation: {no: int, latex: str}]}}
                citations	    paperdict -> paperdict {.. citations: [str (arxiv id)]}

COMPILATION     mathml              paperdict -> paperdict {.. sections: {latex: str, equations: [equation: {.. mathml: str}]}}

IO_PKG          targz               archive -> filedict(s)
                metadata            paperdict -> paperdict {.. metadata: dict}

filedict: dict() of files in a paper directory with {relative path: filestring, arxiv_id: str}

paperdict: dict() with keys [paper, preamble, sections, citations, metadata] for a single paper

Usage of internal python functions

Extract tar

You may retrieve all file_dicts for a tar archive with all papers from one month like this:

import arxiv_library.io_pkg.targz as io_targz

for compressed_file_dict in io_targz.process_tar("path/to/tar_archive"):
    file_dict = io_targz.process_gz(compressed_file_dict)
    # do something with the file dict

Extract tex

With the tex-extraction process we want extract the formulas from a paper. The paper is provided as a filedict.

During this process we perform the following steps:

  1. Remove all comments in all tex-files.
  2. Resolve all imports, so that we get one big tex-files that contains all paper content.
  3. Extract the preamble of the big tex-file.
  4. Split the paper content (anything between \begin{document} and \end{document}) into sections.
  5. Search for math-environments within the sections and extract them to the paperdict
  6. Extract citation imformation from the paper.

You may implement this pipeline with something like this:

import arxiv_library.extraction.comments as comments
import arxiv_library.extraction.imports as imports
import arxiv_library.extraction.preamble as preamble
import arxiv_library.extraction.sections as sections
import arxiv_library.extraction.equations as equations
import arxiv_library.extraction.citations as citations

# Initially you need a filedict from the tar-extraction
file_dict = {"..." : "..."}
file_dict = comments.remove_comments(file_dict)
paper_dict = imports.resolve_imports(file_dict)
paper_dict = preamble.extract_preamble(paper_dict)
paper_dict = sections.extract_sections(paper_dict)
paper_dict = equations.extract_equations(paper_dict)
paper_dict = citations.extract_citations(paper_dict)
# do something with the paper_dict

Compile to MathML

To compile the extracted LaTeX-formulas to MathML you may use this code:

import arxiv_library.compilation.mathml as mathml
# Initially you will need the paper dict with the LaTeX-formulas that you want to compile.
paper_dict = {"...": "..."} 
paper_dict = mathml.compile_paper(paper_dict, paper_dict['arxiv_id'])
# do something with the paper_dict

Retrieve meta data

To retrieve the meta data for the publications by querying the arXiv-API you may use this code:

import arxiv_library.io_pkg.metadata as metadata
# Initially you will need a list with all paper dicts for that you want to retrieve meta data
paper_dicts = [...] 
paper_dicts = metadata.receive_meta_data(paper_dicts)
# do something with the paper_dicts


For a list of required packages you may take a look at or the requirements.txt.


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Contributors 3
