- Software programming: I love programming, especially in Python ❤️, my favorite programming language, but I also have skills in Java and C++.
- Web development: I love web development, especially in the TALL stack (TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, Laravel, Livewire) ❤️, I also have skills in Node.js and currently learning Django.
- Data science: I enjoy handling datasets, data analysis, and the business intelligence that arises from it, for this I work in Python.
- Database: I like the database, especially in MySQL, but I also have skills in PostgreSQL and SQLServer.
- Linux: I like Linux, I have skills in Ubuntu and Wifislax.
- Git: I like Git, I have skills in Git, GitHub and GitLab.
- Networking: I like networking, I have skills in Cisco, Packet Tracer and GNS3.
- Achievements and awards
- Technologies & Tools
- Projects
- Professional Experience
- Education
- I’m currently learning about ...
- Stats
- Contact
- 2023
[2nd place](Special Recognition for Macrotraining in Artificial Intelligence (MeIA) 2023 Issued by the Network of Macrouniversities of Latin America and the Caribbean )
Recognition for my outstanding participation, achieving 2nd place in the development of the challenge "Automatic Identification of Crime Reports in Spanish Twitter Messages" in the Macrotraining in Artificial Intelligence (MeIA) 2023, organized by the Network of Macrouniversities of Latin America and the Caribbean.
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | PHP |
Java | Python | Linux | GitHub |
GitLab | Django | Laravel | TailwindCSS |
MySQL | SQLServer | PostgreSQL |
- SmartInventory: Inventory System for Asset Management, project developed as a requirement for the Software Engineering II course. As an integrated inventory management platform, our SMART INVENTORY solution is specifically designed to meet the needs of universities in asset management.
- GraphUIinteractive: The project is an interactive application developed in Python 3 for creating, analyzing, and studying graphs. Users can graph different types of graphs, apply partition algorithms, and export the created graphs in various formats.
- Data Specialist level 2
- Pidgin, 2023 - Present (Current Position)
- I am a med-level professional in the field of SQL, specializing in database management and administration. My primary role involves the creation, modification, and deletion of various database elements, including views, stored procedures, scheduled jobs, and tables. My contribution is essential for maintaining the integrity and efficiency of the organization's databases.
- Becario
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Feb - Jul 2022 and 2023
- I am a junior-level professional in the field of networking and software, specializing in the management and administration of laboratories. My primary role involves the planning and execution of laboratory practices, as well as monitoring Cisco courses. I also provide support in the development of related projects. My contribution is essential in maintaining the integrity and efficiency of the university’s laboratory practices.
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Feb - Jul 2022 and 2023
- Computer System Management - Bachelor’s degree
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Building Web Applications in Django
- University of Michigan
- Computer System Management - Bachelor’s degree
- Minicurso Python y ChatGPT - Crea Chatbots y Soluciones IA.
- Udemy
- Máster en SQL Server.
- Udemy
- Python TOTAL - Programador Avanzado.
- Udemy
- Inicia con TALL Usa Tailwind, Alpine, Laravel y Livewire.
- Udemy
- Practical Course of Django: Web Backend Development with Python.
- Udemy
- Macroentrenamiento en Inteligencia Artificial
- Universidad Autónoma de México y la Red de Macrouniversidades de América Latina y el Caribe
- Python for Engineers Course
- Web Application Technologies and Django
- University of Michigan
- Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML (honors)
- Duke University
- Minicurso Python y ChatGPT - Crea Chatbots y Soluciones IA.
- Aptitude assessment badge: HTML
- Aptitude assessment badge: Python
- Aptitude assessment badge: Git
- Aptitude assessment badge: HTML
- FT ES - Web Design with HTML5 + CSS
- Telefonica foundation
- FT ES - Web Design with HTML5 + CSS
- Systems Technician - Technical Professional Degree
- Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje
- Systems Technician - Technical Professional Degree
- Data science, deepening in python
- Web development, new frameworks
- Software development, new languages