OpenGL ES based minimal rendering engine.
We have switched to using Conan to manage dependencies. To build mineola under Linux, please run conan and cmake to generate makefile and build the project:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ conan install ..
$ cmake ../src
We are also using CMake to generate the XCode project.
First create an iOS conan profile following imgpp.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ conan install --profile ios ..
$ cmake ../src -GXcode -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS
Then you can either use cmake/xcode command line tools to build the project or open the generated project mineola
directly in XCode GUI.
Please use the included conanfile and CMake script to build the dynamic-link library for your target arch/api_level:
$ NDK=/path/to/ndk/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake conan create .. (user)/(channel) -s os=Android -s os.api_level=(min api) -s arch=(arch)
Then request the mineola shared library in your Android project by editing the build.gradle script. Please see the included gltfview example Android Studio project for details. (p.s. the project targets x86 emulator by default, feel free to try changing the target arch/api_level)