webgate.pro is a official website of Webgate Systems. Created with Ruby on Rails framework like a multilanguage application for our internal purpose and, of course, to show what exactly we do and how.
- Edge technologies, for example RoR 4.2.1 caching style, asynchronous JS for SPDY etc.
- Automatic tests (covering more then 90%) with poltergeist or selenium (if you prefer to observe what's going on) to easy support and upgrade application/environment.
webgate.pro is released under the GNU General Public License.
Since this is a completely free software under GPL license - feel free to contribute, improve its source code or give me constructive criticism. Your git pull request will be pleasantly welcome.
#####Thanks a lot for feedback! team
The setups steps expect following tools installed on the system.
- Git
- Ruby [3.2.2]
- Rails [7.0.5]
- Postgresql [15]
- redis-server [5.0.7]
- java [11.0.19]
cp config/config.yml.example config/config.yml
cp config/sidekiq.yml.example config/sidekiq.yml
bundle exec bundle install
The terminal must be in the root folder of the project
cp .env.example .env
Next we need to add the PG username and password
nano .env
For example: (User must be created locally in Postgresql)
POSTGRES_USER: 'your postgres user name'
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: 'your postgres user password'
bundle exec rails db:create
bundle exec rails db:migrate
if necessary, you can add basic data
bundle exce rails db:seed
You can start the rails server using the command given below.
bundle exec rails s
And now you can visit the site with the URL http://localhost:3000
The terminal must be in the root folder of the project
cp .env.example .env
Next we need to add the PG username and password
nano .env
For example: (User to be created in docker )
POSTGRES_USER: 'your postgres user name'
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: 'your postgres user password'
Also uncomment these lines
docker compose --env-file .env up
docker-compose run app rails db:create
OR (this command will create and run migrate your database)
chmod +x create_db.sh
docker-compose run app rails db:migrate
if necessary, you can add basic data
docker-compose run app rails db:seed