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Getting Started

WeAthFoLD edited this page Apr 27, 2021 · 6 revisions

THIS Wiki is outdated, TODO: Add scriptable pipeline info

This page will quickly get you started in importing animation using MetaSprite.

Steps you need to do to import an aseprite file:

1. Put aseprite file into your project assets directory

The file extension has to be either .ase or .aseprite.

2. Create import settings

Before importing an aseprite file, you have to create an ASE Import Settings first. In Unity's Project tab, Right Click -> Create -> ASE Import Settings.

The created settings in the inspector specifies how one or some aseprite files are to be imported. One import settings is usually created and reused among same group of sprite files (e.g. all sprites of player).

Properties explained:

  • Base Name: The name used in creating animation controller and prefixing the animation clip.

  • Target Child Object: The child object name on which the importer should animate the SpriteRenderer.

  • Pixel Per Unit: PPU settings for the generated texture atlas.

  • Default Align and Custom Pivot: Used to specify the sprite pivot.

  • Atlas Directory: Where the atlas should be output to. The name pattern is currently <ase_file_name>.png.

  • Anim Clip Directory: Where the animation clip should be output to. The name pattern is currently <baseName>_<tag name>.clip.

  • Anim Controller Policy: Specifies how to treat animator controller generation.

    • Skip: Don't generate animator controller.
    • Create Or Override: Create or override the controller in the given path (name pattern: <baseName>.controller), then add all the newly imported animation clips into it (or refreshing previous existing states).

3. Import the sprite

After you have prepared the import settings, right-clicking one or multiple aseprite files in the Project Tab, choose Aseprite -> Import.

There will be a popup asking you to specify the import settings for those files. Choose one and click OK, then the import will be done in a fraction of seconds.

After that you will notice some asset files appearing in Config/MetaSprite directory. Those assets records the import settings you used for each file, so next time you do the import you don't need to specify the settings again.

4. What's next?

Now that you have familarized the basic workflow of the plugin, you can unleash its full power by taking advantage of its metadata features, so you can comment out layers/tags, control object positions, manipulating colliders, and much more. Checkout metadata page for more info.

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