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RedFoxIV committed Dec 23, 2024
1 parent 13a6983 commit 332da69
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Showing 20 changed files with 826 additions and 2 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
using Content.Shared._White.Misc.ChristmasLights;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FlowAnalysis.DataFlow;
using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
using Robust.Shared.Random;
using Robust.Shared.Reflection;
using Robust.Shared.Timing;
using Robust.Shared.Toolshed.Commands.GameTiming;
using Robust.Shared.Utility;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Configuration;

//using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Content.Client._White.Misc.ChristmasLights;

public sealed class ChristmasLightsVisualiserSystem : VisualizerSystem<ChristmasLightsComponent>
[Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _rng = default!;

//[Dependency] private readonly IReflectionManager _reflection = default!; // we have reflection at home

public override void Initialize()

SubscribeLocalEvent<ChristmasLightsComponent, ComponentInit>(OnInit);
//SubscribeLocalEvent<T, AppearanceChangeEvent>(OnAppearanceChange);


//protected virtual void OnAppearanceChange(EntityUid uid, T component, ref AppearanceChangeEvent args) { }

private void OnInit(EntityUid uid, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, ComponentInit args)
if (!TryComp<SpriteComponent>(uid, out var sprite))
return; // anti-dumbass protection

SetLamp1Color(sprite, comp.Color1);
SetLamp2Color(sprite, comp.Color2);
sprite.LayerSetAutoAnimated(ChristmasLightsLayers.Glow1, false); // evil grinch smile
sprite.LayerSetAutoAnimated(ChristmasLightsLayers.Glow2, false);

//ApplyMode("always_on", comp, sprite);


// paranoidal profiling, not for live
class circlebuf
public readonly int size;
public circlebuf(int size)
this.size = size;
buf = new double[size];
public double[] buf;
int i = -1;
public double Add(double x)
int ind = (++i) % size; // this takes me back to the indecencies i've used to do in cpp
double val = buf[ind];
buf[ind] = x;
return val;
// schizo rambling
circlebuf _cbuf = new(256);
double _cumul = 0;
[ViewVariables, UsedImplicitly] // just for vv
double _averageStopwatch = 0;
double _lastStopwatch = 0;
Stopwatch stopwatch = new();

/// <summary>
/// Don't ask me why. I won't be able to answer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

private void SetLamp1Color(SpriteComponent sprite, Color c)
sprite.LayerSetColor(ChristmasLightsLayers.Lights1, c.WithAlpha(255));
sprite.LayerSetColor(ChristmasLightsLayers.Glow1, c);

private void SetLamp2Color(SpriteComponent sprite, Color c)
sprite.LayerSetColor(ChristmasLightsLayers.Lights2, c.WithAlpha(255));
sprite.LayerSetColor(ChristmasLightsLayers.Glow2, c);

private static float shitsin(float x) => (float) ((8 * MathF.Sin(x) + MathF.Sin(3 * x)) / 14 + 0.5);
//private static float shitsin(double x) => shitsin((float) x);
private static float step(float x, int stepsNum) => MathF.Round(x * stepsNum) / stepsNum;
private static int round(float x) => (int) MathF.Round(x);
private float curtime => (float) _timing.CurTime.TotalSeconds;
Color getRainbowColor(float secondsPerCycle, float hueOffset, int steps) => Color.FromHsv(new Vector4(step((curtime + hueOffset) % secondsPerCycle / secondsPerCycle, steps), 1f, 1f, 1f));
private bool cycle(float seconds) => curtime % (seconds * 2) <= seconds;

public override void FrameUpdate(float frameTime) {

//float time1 = shitsin(curtime);
//float time2 = shitsin(curtime + Math.PI);

var query = AllEntityQuery<ChristmasLightsComponent, SpriteComponent>();
while (query.MoveNext(out var comp, out var sprite))
ApplyMode(comp.mode, /*time1, time2,*/ comp, sprite);
_lastStopwatch = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
double shit = _cbuf.Add(_lastStopwatch);
_cumul += _lastStopwatch;
_cumul -= shit;
_averageStopwatch = _cumul / _cbuf.size;

private void ApplyMode(string mode, /*float time1, float time2,*/ ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
if (sprite.TryGetLayer(sprite.LayerMapGet(ChristmasLightsLayers.Glow1), out var layer1) &&
sprite.TryGetLayer(sprite.LayerMapGet(ChristmasLightsLayers.Glow2), out var layer2))
layer1.Color = comp.Color1; // in case some mode doesn't change the colors, reset them so they don't get stuck at 0 alpha or something
layer2.Color = comp.Color2;

if (modes.TryGetValue(mode, out var deleg))
deleg(/*time1, time2,*/ layer1, layer2, comp, sprite);


// shit like this should be put in a shader methinks...
delegate void ModeFunc(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite);

Dictionary<string, ModeFunc> modes = new();

private void InitModes()
modes["test1"] = modeTest1;
modes["test2"] = modeTest2;
modes["always_on"] = modeAlwaysOn;
modes["fade"] = modeFade;
modes["sinwave_full"] = modeSinWaveFull;
modes["sinwave_partial"] = modeSinWavePartial;
modes["sinwave_partial_rainbow"] = modeSinWavePartialRainbow;
modes["squarewave"] = modeSquareWave;
modes["squarewave_rainbow"] = modeSquareWaveRainbow;
modes["strobe_double"] = modeStrobeDouble;
modes["strobe"] = modeStrobe;
modes["strobe_slow"] = modeStrobeSlow;
modes["rainbow"] = modeRainbow;

void modeTest1(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)


void modeTest2(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)


void modeAlwaysOn(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
layer1.AnimationFrame = 3;
layer2.AnimationFrame = 3;
void modeFade(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
if (cycle(2*MathF.PI))
layer1.AnimationFrame = round(3 * shitsin(curtime - MathF.PI/2)); // it's important for shitsin to be equal to zero
layer2.AnimationFrame = 0; // at the beginning of sim for correct color switching.
layer1.AnimationFrame = 0;
layer2.AnimationFrame = round(3 * shitsin(curtime - MathF.PI/2));

void modeSinWaveFull(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
layer1.AnimationFrame = round(3 * shitsin(curtime));
layer2.AnimationFrame = round(3 * shitsin(curtime + MathF.PI));

void modeSinWavePartial(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
layer1.AnimationFrame = 1 + round(2 * shitsin(1.33f * curtime));
layer2.AnimationFrame = 1 + round(2 * shitsin(1.33f * curtime + MathF.PI));

void modeSinWavePartialRainbow(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
modeSinWavePartial(layer1, layer2, comp, sprite);
SetLamp1Color(sprite, getRainbowColor(2f, 0f, 10));
SetLamp2Color(sprite, getRainbowColor(2f, 0.5f, 10));
void modeSquareWave(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
layer1.AnimationFrame = 3 * round(shitsin(curtime));
layer2.AnimationFrame = 3 * round(shitsin(curtime + MathF.PI));

void modeSquareWaveRainbow(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
modeSquareWave(layer1, layer2, comp, sprite);
SetLamp1Color(sprite, getRainbowColor(2f, 0f, 10));
SetLamp2Color(sprite, getRainbowColor(2f, 0.5f, 10));

void modeStrobeDouble(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
float second = curtime % 1;
int frame = (second % 0.25) < 0.125 ? 3 : 0;
layer1.AnimationFrame = second < 0.5 ? frame : 0;
layer2.AnimationFrame = second >= 0.5 ? frame : 0;

void modeStrobe(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
int frame = (curtime % 0.25) < 0.125 ? 3 : 0;
layer1.AnimationFrame = frame;
layer2.AnimationFrame = 3 - frame;

void modeStrobeSlow(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
float second = curtime % 1;
layer1.AnimationFrame = second < 0.5 ? 3 : 0;
layer2.AnimationFrame = second >= 0.5 ? 3 : 0;
void modeRainbow(SpriteComponent.Layer layer1, SpriteComponent.Layer layer2, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, SpriteComponent sprite)
layer1.AnimationFrame = 3;
layer2.AnimationFrame = 3;
SetLamp1Color(sprite, getRainbowColor(2f, 0f, 10));
SetLamp2Color(sprite, getRainbowColor(2f, 0.5f, 10));
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Content.Server/NodeContainer/NodeGroups/BaseNodeGroup.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public interface INodeGroup
string? GetDebugData();

[NodeGroup(NodeGroupID.Default, NodeGroupID.WireNet)]
[NodeGroup(NodeGroupID.Default, NodeGroupID.WireNet, NodeGroupID.ChristmasLights)] // WD EDIT
public class BaseNodeGroup : INodeGroup
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Content.Server/NodeContainer/NodeGroups/NodeGroupFactory.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ public enum NodeGroupID : byte

/// <summary>
/// Group used by the TEG.
/// </summary>
Expand Down
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions Content.Server/_White/Misc/ChristmasLightsSystem.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
using Content.Server.NodeContainer;
using Content.Server.NodeContainer.EntitySystems;
using Content.Server.NodeContainer.NodeGroups;
using Content.Server.NodeContainer.Nodes;
using Content.Shared._White.Misc.ChristmasLights;
using Content.Shared.Interaction;
using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
using Robust.Shared.Utility;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Content.Server._White.Misc;

public sealed class ChristmasLightsSystem : EntitySystem
[Dependency] private readonly NodeGroupSystem _node = default!;

public override void Initialize()
SubscribeLocalEvent<ChristmasLightsComponent, ActivateInWorldEvent>(OnChristmasLightsActivate);
SubscribeLocalEvent<ChristmasLightsComponent, ComponentInit>(OnChristmasLightsInit);


private void OnChristmasLightsInit(EntityUid uid, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, ComponentInit args)
if(TryComp<NodeContainerComponent>(uid, out var cont))
if(cont.Nodes.TryGetValue("christmaslight", out var node))

private void OnChristmasLightsActivate(EntityUid uid, ChristmasLightsComponent comp, ActivateInWorldEvent args)
if(TryComp<NodeContainerComponent>(uid, out var cont) && cont.Nodes.TryGetValue("christmaslight", out var node) && node.NodeGroup is not null){
var thisProt = MetaData(uid).EntityPrototype;
foreach(var n in node.NodeGroup.Nodes)
if(TryComp<ChristmasLightsComponent>(n.Owner, out var jolly))
if (MetaData(n.Owner).EntityPrototype != thisProt)
int i = jolly.modes.IndexOf(jolly.mode);
jolly.mode = jolly.modes[(i + 1) % jolly.modes.Count];
Dirty(jolly.Owner, jolly);

public sealed partial class SamePrototypeAdjacentNode : Node
public string OwnerPrototypeID = default!;

public override void Initialize(EntityUid owner, IEntityManager entMan)
base.Initialize(owner, entMan);

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(OwnerPrototypeID))
var prot = entMan.GetComponent<MetaDataComponent>(owner).EntityPrototype;
DebugTools.Assert(prot is not null, "SamePrototypeAdjacentNode used on an entity with no EntityPrototype specified in metadata. Please reconsider your life choices that have lead you to this point.");
OwnerPrototypeID = prot.ID;

public override IEnumerable<Node> GetReachableNodes(TransformComponent xform,
EntityQuery<NodeContainerComponent> nodeQuery,
EntityQuery<TransformComponent> xformQuery,
MapGridComponent? grid,
IEntityManager entMan)
if (!xform.Anchored || grid == null)
yield break;

var gridIndex = grid.TileIndicesFor(xform.Coordinates);

foreach (var (_, node) in NodeHelpers.GetCardinalNeighborNodes(nodeQuery, grid, gridIndex))
if (node is SamePrototypeAdjacentNode spaNode &&
spaNode != this &&
spaNode.OwnerPrototypeID == this.OwnerPrototypeID)
yield return node;

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