The four task management applications that are implemented the micro frontend architecture.
Made with React, Vite and Vite Module Federation Plugin.
- Tasks have a name, description, deadline, priority and status (completed/not completed).
- The user can create, view, edit, mark as completed and delete tasks.
- Filtering tasks based on title, deadline, priority or status.
- Sorting tasks based on priority or status.
- shadcn/ui is used as component library.
- tailwind is used as CSS framework.
- Supabase database stores and handles tasks data.
- User sign up and log in functionality is implemented using Supabase Auth.
- The micro frontend architecture is implemented using Vite and the Vite Module Federation Plugin.
- The application is deployed on Vercel and AWS CloudFront.
task-auth app handles user authentication.
task-editor app is for creating and editing tasks.
task-list app is for the displaying and filtering tasks.
task-host app is a host application that integrates all subsidiary micro frontends.
AWS CloudFront:
- Navigate to each micro frontend:
cd task-[mfe-name]
- Install dependencies:
npm i
- Build the project:
npm build
- Preview the build:
npm preview
- Navigate to each micro frontend:
cd [mfe-folder-name]
- Set up and deploy:
npx vercel
- Deploy to production:
npx vercel --prod