ARGO is the behavioral imaging rig in the Gardner Lab, that contains 12 boxes for awake-behaving imaging, and tool prototyping. This repository is for the support code that is used for keeping track of the birds in the rig, and distributes data for pre-processing, then collects it for exploratory analysis.
ARGO (MAC Mini): BOX01- BOX03
CALYPSO (MAC pro)Support, data staging and distribution.
CIRCE (MAC pro): Data processing, task management
CALYPSO outputs 2 .csv files:
- One .csv per day that includes Temperature, Humidity as and the BOX door status for each 'active' BOX in the rig, sampled and timestamped every 2 seconds.
- A .csv called 'Aggregate_Data' that includes the Max/Min Temperature, Humidity, as well as social time for each box, and what bird is in each box.
experiment status is defined by a .tsv text file, and is used to get bird's IDs that are in each BOX. This can be changed on the fly, and it constantly updates all monitoring and logging programs.
At the rig, there is a console/badge that tacks the box door status, as well as the current T/H. This badge notifies the user of what boxes are actively being monitored.
Tracking the Current Box Stats, Social Time and current Temperature/Humidity:
Tracking BIRD ID in each active box, and Temperature/Humidity through out the course of the day:
To keep track of active data collection at the bench, or during analysis, a brief history of Temperature, Humidity and # of songs collected can be monitored in real time via a constantly uploaded/hosted image, that is accessible via a QR code on each box, or with the proper hyerlink. This image refreshes everyday, and can be saved for each day for reference (raw data is stored in .csv described above)
And an example of Song tracking, which counts the number of .mov files in each directory.
Example of console on desktop:
CIRCE runs a MATLAB script once per day. This script can be run manually, in Matlab:
>> AR_DataTransfer
This script will gather data from acquisition computers, pre-process the incoming .mov files (seperate audio/video) and distribute them to a host RAID for future analysis.
To parse the data everyday, set up a crontab. To set this up in chron:, this is a useful URL:
In terminal, edit in crontab with nano:
$ env EDITOR=nano crontab -e
To run every day, at 10PM, insert this into the crontab:
0 21 * * * /Applications/ -nodisplay -nosplash -r "AR_DataTransfer; quit" >> ~/.MATLAB_logfile.log 2>&1
To monitor the output of this function, in a new terminal window:
tail -f ~/.MATLAB_logfile.log
This will read a ever-increasing .log file, which has the output of the matlab script directed to it. Good for troubleshooting as well.