- The part of the backend that describes the basic functionality of the messenger
- I have described in detail how to use the APIs of this project in the Postman documentation :
- Also in the image on my Docker Hub is always the latest version of the code using the GitHub CD :
This project is written in the latest version of Python 3.11 along with the FastAPI framework
All code is asynchronous like my previous projects
NoSQL database MongoDB is connected via official images
Written easy PyTest tests for a simple notion that everything is working properly
CI/CD actions on pull request:
- CI:
- the same PyTest tests are used
- the same PyTest tests are used
- CD:
- pushing an image to my Docker Hub
- pushing an image to my Docker Hub
- CI:
There are 2 main kinds of APIs here:
For User:
- APIs for registration and login with obtaining JWT token for user
- APIs for registration and login with obtaining JWT token for user
For Messages:
- APIs for creating chat, get messages, and sending messages
- aiocache is also used to record and if available, take messages from
the cache
- WebSocket is used to implement chat functionality
- aiocache is also used to record and if available, take messages from
the cache
- APIs for creating chat, get messages, and sending messages
Also added a manifest for kubernetes (which I will still improve)
You need to create an .env file at the docker-compose file level and write the variables
For this purpose, a ready-made Docker-Compose file has already been built using:
image vyacheslavshrot/messenger:latest:
- for this container, write a SECRET_KEY variable for the JWT token ( it can be a random
value )
- for this container, write a SECRET_KEY variable for the JWT token ( it can be a random
value )
image mongo:
- for this container we write:
- MONGO_DB_AUTH_SOURCE ( for this variable usually admin value is used)
- for this container we write:
image mongo-express:
- ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME ( use the same data as for image mongo )
- ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD ( use the same data as for image mongo )
- ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME ( use the same data as for image mongo )
After installing the environment, we run
docker-compose up -d
Go to the mongo-admin panel ( mongo-express container ):
Create the base messenger
Create 3 collections:
And at the level of docker-compose.yml create a folder mongodb_data where our data from the database will be stored