Backend part of the application working with users and functionality of comments, chats
I have described in detail how to use the APIs of this project in the Postman documentation :
Also in the image on my Docker Hub is always the latest version of the code using the GitHub CD :
This project is written in the latest version of Python 3.11 along with the Django framework
All code is written in OOP
NoSQL database MongoDB is connected via official images
- Django ORM was used to work with the database
- Django ORM was used to work with the database
WebSocket chat functionality is connected, i.e. Django Channels
Implemented queue functionality using Celery and RabbitMQ message broker
Caching is used in some cases
The JWT token is used to authenticate the user
Just a few steps are enough to do:
Copy the already prepared file docker-compose.yml to the folder
At the level of this file, create an .env file where you write the following variables:
Write a SECRET_KEY variable for the JWT token ( it can be a random value )
MONGO_DB_AUTH_SOURCE ( for this variable usually 'admin' value is used)
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME ( use the same data as for image mongo )
ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD ( use the same data as for image mongo )
After installing the environment, we run:
docker-compose up -d
After successful launch in our project folder should be created 2 folders:
It means that all started well
And the last step is to apply the migrations in the container:
docker exec -it backend bash
python src/manage.py migrate
Now the backend part is ready to be used)